Chapter 7

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Your point of view
I laughed as I chased Hiccup. He was running towards Toothless who was right next to Midnight. I smiled at the sight. "Race you to the docks!" Hiccups yells. I don't know where that is "You're on!" I yell back anyway. We jump onto our dragons "Come on Midnight!" "Let's go Toothless!" We both yell. Midnight takes me into the sky and I smile as the wind blows through my hair. I quickly glance around and see Hiccup and Toothless flying towards the opposite side of the island, there in the blue ocean are ships of all sizes. Midnight gets the message following them to the dock, but following isn't fast enough, we need to win. I lean as close to Midnight as I can minimizing our size making us more streamlined. She flies up at an angle. I see Hiccup look behind looking for us, and that's when Midnight dives, cutting through the air like a knife through butter. The force of the wind stings a bit but I hold on. At the last moment Midnight extends her wings stopping us from our plummet to the docks. We land on the wood a tad faster than Toothless does. And I cheer in victory "Oh yeah! We won girl didn't we! We beat you!" I wave my arms in a victory dance as Midnight spins and jumps in circles. "Woah, we finally found someone faster than you bud" Hiccup pats Toothlesses head. Toothless grumbles and smacks Hiccup with his tail. "Hey!" Hiccups yells getting off. "You're just a sore loser" Hiccup says making me laugh. Toothless rolls his green eyes and gives Midnight and I a small glare. Making us three laugh. Toothless looks unamused. "Hey bud, how do you feel about bringing them to Dragons edge" Toothless seems to brighten up, he quickly uses his head to throw Hiccup in the air and catches him in his back before giving Hiccup time to hold on. I laugh as I hear Hiccup yell at Toothless for this. "Come on girl" I pet Midnights head as she takes off after the two boys. Once again we fly over the blue next to Hiccup and Toothless. We reach an island, it has many buildings that look like a fort. "Welcome to dragons edge (y/n)" Hiccup says as we land on a platform that is elevated off the ground. I smile as I look around, we are on the side of a large hill peering over the ocean. "What is this place?" I turn to him. "It's were we train dragons, and ourselves" he says. "What are you training yourself for?" I ask curiously. He's silent for a moment as if he is thinking about what to tell me, "There's this one person and all of his followers, his name is Dagger. He wants to get rid off all of us dragon riders, so we need to learn how to keep ourselves and our dragons safe" he says. Hearing him say that makes me remember how many people don't like the whole dragon and human living happily together thing. They just want to use the dragons for power or kill them. It reminds me of my old village, my old home. Is Berk my home now? I turn to Hiccup who is staring off into sea, he brought me into his home so willingly, maybe I can stay here. I smile, that wouldn't be so bad would it?

Time skip

Hiccup showed me around Dragons edge. I loved it. He was about to demonstrate some of the ways they train with the dragons but everyone else showed up. "Hey!" I yelled and waved as they flew towards us. Everyone landed with their dragons all saying hello. Midnight went off to go play with the dragons, they seemed to get along perfectly. I smiled at them as they chased each other around? "Hey (y/n)?" Ruffnut asks. "Yes?" I turn to him. "What kind of weapon do you use?" His sister finishes. They hold up their swords and smile. Honestly it kinda scared me I'm not going to lie. "A sword" I say reaching for it in my pack. I hold it and realize how small it is compared to theirs, I blush a bit I'm embarrassment realizing mines way to small for me. A few of them chuckle a bit. "Let's get you a better sword" they bring me to the armory. Many weapons line the walls, how do I choose? I hold many of them in my hand, too large, too small, they are all unbalanced. I'm about to I've up but see something. I reach for it, it's beautiful silver sword, I wipe the layer of dust off of it and it shines a bit with the natural light coming into the room. I turn it side to side in my hand, it feels good in my hand. "Let's try that one" Astrid says bringing me to an arena. She pulls out an ax, a big one. The blades gleam and I can't help but feel a bit nervous. "You good at fighting?" She asks swinging it. "I don't really know, I haven't done it in a while" I say. She chuckles "ok I'll go easy then" and she runs towards me. Out of instinct I swing it knocking her attack away, I'm happy my armor is strong. She spins and tries to hit me on the other side but I roll and stretch my arm out trying to knock the axe out of her hand. I stand up and by then she had already turned around and was raising her axe again. I watched as the ax came down, I told everyone I didn't even remember it happening, but in a moment my wrist was turned pulling her axe in a downward motion making it come right out of her hand. It hit the ground with a thud. She smiled, so did everyone else. "Good job" she said patting my shoulder. "That's really good for a newbie, are you sure you haven't been practicing your whole life?" Fishlegs asked. "I'm sure" I smile. "At a girl babe" Snotluck says. I turn to him, he's never going to stop is he? Well maybe I'll get the chance to use my new found sword skills against him...

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