Chapter 10

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(For the TMNT fans because why not?)

Your point of view

I sat chained to the cold stone wall like I do everyday. I don't know how long it has been. The days and hours seem to merge together. The only company I have is Dagur, and he can't always visit. An even when he does visit, he can't stay long. He can't make the others wonder why he visits so long. You see he's on my side, unlike Dagurs boss and all of his goons. The door to my cell opened. I lifted my head just enough to see who it was. It was my only friend, or at least my friend that could actually visit me. I miss my friends so dearly, I want to see them more than anything. They're my family. Midnight must be heartbroken. Tears come to my eyes. I would do anything to see them. Even Snotloud and his disgusting flirting. "(Y/n)?" Dagur says, suddenly next to me. I take my shackled hands and wipe my tears away. "Hey Dagur" I say faking a smile. "What's wrong?" He asked me. I mean I'm kind of held captive in a boat what could be wrong?! "I miss my friends" I say. "I know but-.." he scooted closer to me and whispered "We're on our way to Berk right now, you'll see them soon I promise". I managed to smile weakly before frowning "But what if your plan doesn't work, they'll kill you Dagur".  "I'll try to escape (y/n), but even if I do die it'll be worth it, I'll have saved you guys" he says. "Why are you even doing it?" I asked him. "Because you're the only friend I've ever had" he said. "Thank you Dagur thank you so much, but come with us, please" I whispered. "I'll try but my first priority is to let you guys escape" he says. Who ever knew Dagur was a good guy. "Thanks again" I said. "No problem" he smiled "I need to go". "Bye" I said. And he left the room. My head slumped back against the cold stone wall. I was going to see my friends again. But the cold draft made a piece of paper move across the floor. My weak hands grabbed the crumpled piece of parchment. I slowly opened it. It was a note from Dagur.

Dear (y/n),
Once you read this I need to you destroy it. Get rid of it. I found out Dragos plan. When we reach Berk, or when your friends come, dragons will come from all directions. They will come to kill everyone, even if Hiccup hands over the eye. You will be held by a guard or two, knife to neck. I'm sorry to say this was my plan, back when I was on their side. It seemed foolproof. You were the perfect bait, because Hiccup would do anything to save you. I will do anything I can to stop them, I'll make a distraction, grab Midnight and your friends and leave. Don't wait for me. I'll meet you at Berk if I escape. I'll see you soon...

I read the letter over and over again before ripping it into small shreds. We didn't want the change that someone would come in my cell and find it. My rate sped up as I thought about actually seeing my friends again, my family...

Hiccups point of view

I flew over the deep blue ocean. Searching. I haven't gave up this past month. Not much sleep, I've lost weight, I've seemed to age. But I still haven't given up. My friends lost hope a long time ago. They only come with me when I make them, which was today. Even Midnight lost hope, she usually lays in (y/n)s room and whines. And I... I'm lost, I've changed, I feel broken. My only thought is to find my her, to tell her I love her. "Hiccup" Astrid says breaking me from my thoughts "Its getting late and you need to get some rest-" "No! Just a bit longer" I said. Everyone's used to this- wait?! There's a ship. It's way bigger than Dagurs but it has his flag. And that's all I needed. I sped off towards the ship in the horizon. Toothless and Midnight could fly faster than the others, so we reached the boat before them. My heart pounded as we landed on the boat. "Why isn't it Hiccup" I booming voice said. I could still recognize it anywhere. Dragobloodvist, he's the one that wanted to make the dragon army, he killed my father. "But you died!" I said. The rest of the crew laughed. "Do I like dead to you? Hiccup. If anything I'm only more alive" he smiled evilly. The door leading downstairs suddenly opened. A guard walked in dragging someone. They pulled a bag off of their head. And (y/n)s terrified eyes, met mine...

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