Chapter 4-After

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I very carefully levered up an eyelid and shut it again fast. A merciless sunbeam had squirted straight in, making my brain bleed.

The lovely effects of champagne were quite gone and only the nasty ones were left; the taste in the mouth, the splitting ache in the brow and the impotence of not being able to clarify one's thoughts.

Loud knocking echoed around the apartment, magnifying in my head and splitting it in half. It was when the knocking wouldn't stop that I let out a frustrated yell. Which I regretted imidiatelly, seeing as it only made the headache, if possible, even more unbearable. The person knocking seemed persistent and kept going at it and ringing the door bell all at the same time.

I sat up in bed with that rather unpleasant feeling you get sometimes that you're going to die in about five minutes.

Different murder scenarios circled around my head as I tried to make my way to the front door. I felt dizzy and confused, not remembering how I got here or when I even changed out of last night's dress.

One of the many side effects of drinking alcohol was short-term memory loss, or at least that was one side effect I always seemed to suffer. Along with dizziness, drowsiness, killer headache, concentration problems-which could be proven by how I managed to walk into basically everything, even a wall-there was also the dry mouth and I could just go on and on about how much of a bitch alcohol really is.

But were they ever enough reasons to keep one away from getting drunk? Hell no!

"I'll fucking pull your intestines out and feed you it!"

I yelled on finally nearing the door. You could say that I was a mad drunk and well also the duration after that where there's nothing left but a killer hangover. Pulling the door open, someone walks past me and into the apartment.

I turn around confused and ready to run grab a knife when someone clear their throat from behind me. I whirl around, which isn't a very good idea due to above mentioned dizziness.

"Why drink what you can't handle?"

A familiar Australian accent is heard and my slightly blurry vision finally adjust to find it to be Peyton. She pushes past me when I don't show any signs of talking nor moving.

"We've been calling you all day, luckily Tyler picked up his phone and said that he dropped you off here yesterday and was probably passed out from last night's drinking" Ivy explained on me entering the living room.

She was sat back on the couch, hand over her stomach. Peyton sat beside her on the couch, reaching for the tv remote that was lying on the coffeetable.

"Please don't tell me you've forgotten our plans for tonight" Peyton glanced at me before focusing ahead at the tv, flipping through channels.

It was only when she said that, that I actually started recalling that we had plans to work on the guest list for the wedding tonight. Peyton had a date with Jack this morning while Ivy had a doctor appointment and so we decided to just meet up at mine in the afternoon.

Having the whole morning to recover from any effect the alcohol left on me, I thought it'd be okay if I had a couple drinks the night before. The problem was that instead of nursing my hangover all morning to be fresh and focused by the time the girls arrived, I spent it sleeping in later than I originally had planned.

"What are you doing still standing there? You look like a raccoon, go freshen up while I order us Chinese take out" Ivy said eyeing my state.

I was snapped out of my trance of thoughts by Ivy's voice, only to roll my eyes at her remark.

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