Chapter 21-Before

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Playlist: Like I'm gonna lose you-Jasmine Thompson

Narrator's P.O.V

A few weeks later and it was Christmas. Not wanting for Peyton to spend it alone like thanksgiving, they decided that she'd come along with them. And yes, they knew about her not spending thanksgiving with her parents and so wouldn't let her spend yet another occasion alone.

Being the annoying and cheeky friends they were, they invited Jack to spend Christmas with them. Peyton glared at the back of Ivy's head as she invited him, unaware of the many death scenarios going on inside Peyton's head.

Her and Jack have been spending more time together lately. And even though at first, Peyton tried to fight whatever connection they had, she still somehow found the two of them in this situation. She preferred calling it a 'situation', because let's face it, they were no way 'just friends', nor were they a couple. So Peyton took it upon herself to refer to whatever they had going on as a 'situation'.

It wasn't only Peyton spending more time with Jack since thanksgiving, Ivy and Matt have been spending alot of quality time together as well. But unlike the first 'situation', Matt and Ivy were actually aware of what they wanted and how they felt for one another.

It was only a couple dates later, that Ivy finally realised what exactly she was feeling towards Matt. She actually did like him, alot for that matter. All their friends knew that, they were just waiting for them to finally grow a pair and make it official. Because if they weren't, then their friends were going to take it upon themselves to make it official for them.

Nevaeh and Justin on the other hand, well, they were doing fine. By saying 'fine', that meant their relationship was like it has been for quite some years now. But things were bound to change soon, for better or for worse, they had to get ready for whatever fate had planned for them.

Actually they all needed to get ready for the storm that was about to hit...

She felt like she was so far away from him, even though he was right next to her. And she wondered why she felt that way, how to get closer like they once used to be.

They were to spend Christmas at Nevaeh's parents house. It was huge enough to fit everyone. Being close friends with Pattie, meant that everyone they cared about would be there under one roof as well. Nevaeh's mother, Katie, and Pattie were in the kitchen preparing a feast for the whole family. Some of Nevaeh's aunts and even Justin's were as well in the kitchen helping out. The men of the family were outside decorating the house while Nevaeh and her friends were decorating the inside of the house.

"Ugh! I'm so hungry!"

One of Nevaeh's many cousins groaned, only for Nevaeh to discretely roll her eyes at her. Most of her cousins, if not all, were a bunch of brats that didn't like to wait or even work for anything. Hence why the only teenagers decorating the inside of the house were Nevaeh, Justin, Ivy, Peyton, Matt, Tyler and Jack.

Coming from a family of wealth had alot of its perks. Well, except for having to deal with bratty cousins. And don't even get started on the few women in the family that refused helping with anything in the kitchen. Obviously they had enough money to make others do everything for them.

But it was different for Nevaeh's parents. They were just as rich as the rest of the family, if not alittle well off than most, yet they still remained modest. Of course, there were times they were busy they couldn't deal with things themselves, hence the maids, butler and cook they had. But when it was an occasion to be celebrated with family, they always did the work themselves, giving their employees the day off.

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