Chapter 25-Before

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Playlist: Grace-Rag 'n' Bone Man

Previously on Tell me you love me, Chapter 23-Before...

"Hi, Peyton Gray, Nevaeh's girlfriend, am I right?"

One of the officers ask on her reaching them.

"About that..."

Chuckling lightly, the two officers glance at each other before settling their gazes back on her.


"I'm not really her girlfriend, I only said that to get to see her-not that I was lying, I am her friend and obviously I'm a girl. I'll stop rambling though in three, two, one..."

"Ms Gray, according to Ms Claire's calls, you were the first to receive a call-"

"Yeah, it was the guy that found her and brought her here, but I just cut you off, sorry..."

Shaking his head slightly, he glances at his fellow officer to help him out.

"What we wanted to ask, Ms Gray, is if you knew why Ms Claire would be found in a dark alley"

"I honestly don't know, I mean I've told her too many times that if horror movies have taught us anything, it's not to walk in a dark alley at night. But that's what happens when you ignore your friend's words...which has nothing to do with the question..."

She always started rambling when feeling nervous and that was exactly the situation at the moment.

"Ms Gray, please, we're trying to find the person who did this to your you think you have any information that could help us?"

Letting out a sigh, she shakes her head slightly.

"All I know is that me and my friend, Ivy, dropped her off at this restaurant. She had a date with her boyfriend there, but obviously he stood her up, I mean I told her, hell would freeze over before he ever changed. But does anyone listen to Peyton? No!"

"Who is her boyfriend, Ms Gray? And do you know where he is?" The officer sighs, wanting to get this interrogation over with already.

"Justin effing bieber, effing isn't his middle name by the way..."

She stops mid sentence on receiving an annoyed look from both officers.

"But obviously you knew that...and no I don't know where he is"

"Thanks, Ms Gray, but you'd let us know when you do?"

"Of course..."

The two officers turn around and leave, one of them talking in his walkie talkie.

"I just hope you find him before I do, because it won't be pretty"

Turning around she makes her way back to where she left Ivy. She comes to a stop though on seeing the person standing in the same hall she left Ivy in. Walking towards him, anger was blinding her by now.

"You asshole-!"

But before she could even throw the first punch at him, someone was pulling her back. Strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. It was the familiar scent that relaxed her. Turning around, she's met with those eyes she's hurt not too long ago.

"I heard about what happened...are you okay?"

He didn't even get to finish his question before she threw her arms around his neck. Letting out a sigh, he hugs her back tightly.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Jack..."

"We'll talk about that later, okay? "

She nods her head at him, feeling relieved that she didn't completely lose him tonight like she thought.

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