Chapter 24-After

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Playlist: I think I'm in love-Kat Dahlia

You ever get that fleeting emotion of fear? That when you open your eyes someone or something you care about would be gone? Her heart thudded in her chest before her eyes fluttered open.

The space beside her on the bed was empty and she wondered if yesterday was just a dream. That he was still in another country and never really came back. And then she was hit with the fear that she had lost him forever.

It was an irrational fear, but she had every reason to feel it. Love never came easy to her, it hurt, broke and left her before. So loving again and letting someone else in wasn't that easy for her. Losing another love though would surely break her beyond repair.

She didn't want the same mistakes and pain from her first love to repeat again. So sitting up abruptly, she ignores feeling light headed and jumps off the bed. Checking the bathroom, he wasn't there. Picking up her phone, she tried reaching him, but he wouldn't pick up the phone or answer any of the texts.

Where are you?

She was about to change her clothes and go look for him, even if that meant walking down the streets of Paris while looking like a complete idiot, she didn't really care. But a knock on the door of the suite stopped her.

In a rush, she leaves the room and makes her way through the suite and to the suite's door. Never once stopping to wonder where the hell were her roommates. Everyone just suddenly disappeared.

But she was met with two missing people out of the three by the door on pulling it open.

"Uh, of course, you were asleep this whole time"

Ivy walks past her and into the suite, Peyton following behind her. Nevaeh frowns on noticing the many shopping bags they were both carrying.

"You guys went shopping this early?"

"What are you talking about? When in Paris, you can shop any time of the day. And it's not even that early, lazy ass"

She rolls her green orbs at her blonde friend before following behind her two friends, as they make their way inside the bedroom she left moments earlier. Dropping all the shopping bags down on the unmade bed, Peyton starts pulling out the content of one of the bags while Ivy turns around to face her with her hands on her hips.

"Guess what time it is?"

Ivy asks with a cheerful smile, too cheerful for such an early hour, Nevaeh thought.

"Time for breakfast? "

"No, silly..."

Rolling her eyes, she waves a hand dismissively in her direction before turning to join Peyton unloading the bags.

"Time for a makeover!"

"Why exactly? "

She shouldn't be that confused really, she had always known her two best  friends to be weird, especially her blonde one.

"Tonight is a very important night and trust me, you'll thank us for this. And that's all we can say"

It was the first thing Peyton had said since entering the suite. Throwing a red dress her way, she doesn't waste time before starting to unload the next shopping bag.

"I'm guessing you want me to try this on?"

Saying sarcastically, she makes her way inside the bathroom to try on the first to many dresses her friends bought. Changing out of her pyjamas and into the red dress, her mind wanders to Tyler and she wonders if he has anything to do with the craziness of her friends.

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