Chapter 13-Before

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Playlist: Tired-Alan Walker

"Oh my gosh, please say yes so he could stop singing"

Peyton groaned in annoyance, rubbing her temples. The hangover headache added with Matt's singing definitely getting to her already. I nod in agreement, feeling my ears bleed from how annoying Matt's voice was.

Ivy seemed to be lost in another world, not seemingly minding the horrible voice he had.

"What? You want me to shout it out to him?" Ivy scoffs.

"If you don't, then I'll do it for you" Peyton threatens, only for Ivy to roll her eyes in return.

"Fine, one more time! Annoy me though and I won't hesitate in leaving"

With that being said, she turns around and enters the room. Peyton soon follows with an amused smirk gracing her lips. Looking down, I find Matt doing some crazy dance moves despite Ivy's earlier threat. But then again, I don't think he heard anything after the word 'fine'.

Chuckling to myself with a shake of my head, my eyes meets with those pools of brown

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Chuckling to myself with a shake of my head, my eyes meets with those pools of brown. And if it wasn't for the voice of both Ivy and Peyton coming from inside the room, I would've probably got lost in them for...forever.

"We needed to talk to you about something, Pey..."

On entering back inside the room, Ivy said, glancing at me. I nodded, catching onto what exactly she wanted to talk about. Peyton frowned alittle in confusion, looking between me and Ivy as she settled herself under the covers of the bed again. The voices of the guys entering the apartment though, was like a silent agreement that we'd be talking about it some other time.

"I'll be picking you up by seven tonight. Let's go guys!"

Standing by the doorway of Justin and I's bedroom, Matt faces Ivy and with the most serious face he could ever muster, he tells her when he'd be picking her up. Turning around to face the other two guys, he starts making his way past them.

"Go where exactly?" Justin asks with a frown.

"We have a date to be planned, duh" he answers with a shrug, not even bothering to look from over his shoulder.

"You have a date to be planned, I, on the other hand, have a stomach that needs food"

Tyler looks down at his stomach before taking a few steps in the kitchen's direction. But was suddenly being pulled from the back of his shirt by Matt.

"Get yourself some best friends they said. They're gonna help you in your time of need they said"

Matt mumbled as he pulled Tyler along with him and outside the apartment. Tyler tried to put up a fight and grab onto anything, but lets just say that Matt was on a mission and he wasn't letting anything or anyone stop him. Sighing deeply, Justin starts following after them all while shaking his head.

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