Crazy In Love!

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Trailer up⬆, hope you enjoy 😘

He was the town's maniac.

But no one knew what they did to him.

Why he became this crazy.

Only she understood him.

But that might have something to do with being just as crazy as him.

She loved him...

While he was in love with another.

But who did his heart really beat to?


This is a story of a guy that's crazy in more ways than one, impulsive and just dangerous, period. But he wasn't always like this, something happened, something dark. In a town where secrets are normal, he finds himself in love with two girls.

Will he be able to fight his demons? Will his demons scare away all the people he cares about? Or will they stick around?

This is a story of mystrey, murder, love triangle, friendships falling and rising, hardships, action and sometimes even humour.


(Here's a small peak into crazy in love)

To him life was like a game of chess. To win, you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with in-sight and knowledge and by learning along the way. He turns everyone into a piece in his own game called life.

A knock on the door followed by it being opened, widens his smirk, the one he always wore. Looking up into the green eyes of his nurse, she gives him a soft smile. Deep down, he was sure she'd be over the moon to finally get rid of him.

"I heard they're releasing you. Are you happy about that?"

Standing by the door, he was sure this was a stupid trick the doctor sent her for. To think that after this long, he'd be stupid enough to make a slip-up.

"Almost as happy as you are to get rid of me..."

She hated that smirk, it sent chills down to her very core. They all knew that letting him out would be a mistake. But they just couldn't be held responsible for him anymore. And like he said, she wanted to get rid of him almost as much as everyone else in the facility.

"I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth"

She said in that sweet tone that sickened him to his stomach. The things he could imagine doing to her that very second. But he had to refrain himself, if he ever wanted to escape this hell hole that is.

"Too bad they won't let you do that to me...anymore "

Some of the workers at this facility weren't very nice. Some just wouldn't mind inflicting pain on the patients here. They were all the reason why he became what he is today. Soulless. Void.

"I'm sure gonna miss our fun times..."

With one last smirk, she turns around and leaves him alone again in the room. Looking over at the bed opposite to him, he remembers his ex roommate. The one he wasn't very sure how to tell he was finally going to leave.

But he had one last day, sure there was more check-ups to be made and sure they'd be watching him like a hawk, making sure he was really acting like a normal human being. But he had to find her and tell her before he left...


So...are you excited for this new story? I have to admit though, I've been so used to writing JB fanfics, that I'm alittle nervous to try something new. But hey, this is Dylan, he's bae, so I'm really excited to start this new story. Especially since it almost has every genre out there, not every single one, but you get what I mean.

This is a story of which I've never wrote like before, which excites me. Hope you give it a try.

Also I want to thank everyone who joined me on the ride of 'tell me you love me', hopefully this won't be our last journey together. I really appreciate all the support, votes and really nice comments throughout the story. I love you guys! Hopefully, you'll do the same for 'crazy in love'.

The new story will be coming out soon, just need to work on some details in the story before I finally start publishing it.

Till next time, luvies 💜

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