Chapter 8-After

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Playlist: Dusk Till Dawn-Zayn ft Sia

Previously on 'Tell Me You Love Me'...

I stepped out after the girls, but came to a sudden halt when they suddenly stopped in their tracks. Trying to see what made them stop, I slightly stand on my tiptoes to take a look from over their shoulders. Because even though I was wearing a footwear with heels, I was still shorter than them.

The sight before me wasn't something I would've been able to prepare myself to, even if given a thousand years to do so.

"What the hell?"

I think I heard Ivy mumble under her breath, but I was feeling too lightheaded trying to comprehend the scene before me, to focus on what exactly she said.


"Just know that I'm back and it'll take more than hell breaking loose for me to leave..."

I gasped, it was like the world was turning blurry, almost like looking through a camera with a hazy focus. Only I could see him quite clear, it was like the lense of the camera focused only on him on its own accord. I think the girls were telling me something, but I could only focus on him. Their lips moving was just another part of the blurry picture.

It was when his eyes moved to meet mine, that every memory we shared hit me like a tidal wave. Waves crashing against me and breaking through me with every piece of memory it held. Every touch, every kiss, every laugh...every sleepless night, every tear and ever shred of pain he ever made me feel.

They were all coming back and at full force. I was finally able to breathe again, letting out a sigh of relief when he walked past us and towards the elevator we just departured. But he made sure to hold my gaze while walking past me, looking through my soul and willing me to remember every moment we ever shared together.

But they were all gone just as fast as they came. I was already making my way towards Tyler's apartment as the sound of the door to the elevator dinged close. Walking inside the apartment, I find him sitting on the couch with his hands through his hair.

"Tyler, are you okay?" 

I kneel down on my knees infront of him. His face was down as he stared at the ground. I lifted his face up with my fingers, searching his eyes for answers. But there was so many emotions running through them for me to be able to pinpoint even one of them.

"What was he doing here?"

I asked the question I knew he wouldn't want to answer, but I needed to know. First, he shows up by my workplace and then here?

"Tyler, why aren't you answer-what is that? Oh my gosh, did you guys have a fight?"

I turn his face to the left, just noticing the bruise forming on his cheek. He winced in pain when I traced my finger lightly over the spot.

"Do I need to call Jack?"

We both diverted our attention towards the door, but Tyler quickly diverted his back to glare down at the carpeted floor. Peyton stood with her arms crossed over her chest, wearing an annoyed expression. Ivy stood right beside her, wearing a matching expression. Only she was already on the phone, probably dialing Matt or the police. I wouldn't even know with her.

"Ivy, you better not be calling the police" I said, giving her a stern look to let her know that she better hang up.

"I wasn't, but maybe I should" she rolled her eyes at me before turning around and walking off into the hall when whoever she was calling picked up.

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