Chapter 18-After

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Playlist: Tell me how to feel-Maggie Eckford

Narrator's P.O.V

She felt lost, didn't know what to do or where to even go. He wasn't feeling much better, in fact he didn't even know how to feel. Didn't know if he should be mad and act on it. Or rather let the pain growing inside him consume him.

He felt his heart tighten and it was feeling more painful after he met up with his former best friend and inflicted pain upon him. He never thought he'd be able to cause the one person he considered a brother, pain. But he did and even though he hurt him, he still didn't want to do the same.

As Nevaeh drove with tears streaming down her cheeks, not sure exactly where she was headed, Tyler was heading to his former best friend's house. Not really sure what he was expecting, but certainly not the fact that he'd be punching him.

Pulling up infront of the familiar apartment building, she practically jumps out of the car, almost forgetting to lock it before rushing inside and into the elevator. An overwhelming feeling of familiarity rushed over her. But she pushed it back since the feeling of pain was much more overwhelming at the moment.

The door to the elevator opens almost the same time it does in another apartment building, but instead it opens to a hall and not a penthouse. In a rush she knocks on the door the same time a punch is delivered to her blond haired ex-bofriend.

The door is quickly pulled open to reveal her brunette friend and God did she feel a rush of relief wash over her. Throwing herself into her arms, her best friend was quick to envelope her into a hug. And even though she wasn't sure what could've exactly happened to make her such a mess, she still acted out on instinct and tried reassuring her as much as she could.

Jack walking out of their bedroom to such sight, he imidiatelly understood that they would be needing some alone time. Excusing himself, he plants a kiss on his girlfriend's temple before giving her distressed best friend a comforting squeeze to the shoulder.

And even though he didn't know what was wrong, he still didn't like the image of her distressed, after all he considered his girlfriend's two best friends to be his own friends if not sisters. So he heads to meet up with Tyler, seeing that he had a feeling he somehow knew what was wrong.

Pulling her into the living room, she sits her down onto the couch. Texting their blonde friend to come over. A short message was enough to get Ivy to head to her old apartment during high school, leaving a very confused Matt behind. But she was in a rush and one of her closest friends needed her. She surely didn't have time to wait and explain. And even if she wanted, she was yet to know what exactly went down herself.

It didn't take her that long to be over at Peyton's apartment. If her husband was to ever find out the speed with which she drove, he'd most definitely forbid her from ever driving again. She wasn't just putting her life in danger, but her unborn baby as well.

But that was how it always was and will be with those three. If just one of them ever needed the other, they'd be quick to drop whatever they're doing and rush over for help.

"I'm here! What's wrong? "

Rushing inside the apartment, it was helpful how she still had a key to the apartment. And so did Nevaeh, she just couldn't handle opening the door with such shaky hands.

And so she explained everything, from going over to Justin's apartment and what she woke up to realise happened, to telling Tyler the truth. She had to tell him, she couldn't possibly bear the thought of betraying him and continuing on with him being deceived. She knew exactly how it felt like to be betrayed like that and that was why she couldn't believe she'd bring such pain upon him.

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