Chapter 26-After

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Playlist: Skipping Stones-Claire de Lune

It was like the world was spinning around as she frantically slipped into a pair of boots and searched for her wallet. She probably looked like a maniac, running out of the hotel and into the street in her current state. Her hair was all over the place, having not brushed it or even washed her face.

But that didn't matter to her, not even the worried glances the driver kept giving her. It was after wiping away that first tear that managed to escape, that she told herself she wouldn't shed anymore of them. She just couldn't allow herself to jump into conclusions and getting ahead of herself.

She needed to stay focused for his sake.

So asking the nurse at the front desk calmly where he was, she took the elevator instead of rushing up the stairs. And God only knew how much she restrained herself from taking the stairs up in a mad dash.

But that wasn't what he needed, he needed her to stay strong for him.

But that was all just too much for her. Because the second she arrived to his floor and saw the figure standing outside in the hall, she almost broke down. Her walk turned into rushed steps before she started jogging towards the figure. Placing a hand on his shoulder on reaching him, even she wasn't sure what she was expecting his expression to be.

But the broken expression he was wearing and with how he pulled her into a tight hug, she knew that she couldn't keep the facade up for longer. And so she breaks down in his arms, afraid of turning around to face the white door behind her. The room behind her that he lied in on a hospital bed.


She was staring at nothingness as she waited for something she wasn't even sure what. Tyler's parents only arriving at the hospital about an hour earlier, cutting their business trip short to come and be by their son's side.

Apparently Nevaeh wasn't the only one that didn't know of his illness. She just never thought he was that good at keeping secrets, especially from those that care about him the most.

She could hear his parents talking, arguing, but their voices were tuned out as her thoughts consumed her. How could she have not sensed anything? They were getting married for crying out loud and still there seems to be alot she doesn't know about him.

Was she that consumed in herself, she couldn't see his pain?

The doctor told them that there was a surgery that could save him, it was the last thing the doctors agreed they could do at Tyler's stage. What everyone found to be weird and surprising though, was that Tyler was refusing to go with this surgery.

Rubbing her face with her hands in stress, she tries not to let that stress override her feelings. She would be seeing him any time now and looking like a mess was the last thing he needed right now.

For him, she'd be strong. For him, she'd put his feelings before her own. Because he was the light that saved her from her darkness...

A nurse walking out of his room catches everyone's attention. His parents are imidiatelly up on their feet and it takes everything in her to gather enough strength to just push herself off the chair.

"He asked to see a Nevaeh Morgan?"

Everyone around her is just a blurry picture, the name forcing her to forget to breathe for a moment. Looking at his parents, they both give her a small nod.

"Knock some sense into my boy"

She gives his mother a small smile to what she hoped would be reassuring. The nurse opens the door for her and the next thing she knows, she's stepping inside his hospital room. Just like he did years ago, stepping inside her own hospital room. And suddenly she understands what he must've felt back then on seeing her lying on a hospital bed.

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