I Am A Spirit Of Vengeance In High School

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A little warning before any of you decide to read this book. Okay...maybe it's a little too late for this considering you're already reading my words, but let me warn you anyways.

My story is not for the faint of heart. Sure I'm a 15 year old guy with normal guy problems some of the times. Heck, you all can probably relate to me pretty well. But then there's the other side of me. The other side that you wouldn't want to get involved with because when it awakens......I become a complete psychopath. Thing is....by the end of this book you might consider me a hero. And you would probably consider my best friend Rin a hero too. But that won't change the fact that you just opened the doorway to a world that is more dangerous then Homer Simpson juggling chainsaws.

Are you sure you want to read my story? I'm warning you, once you start, there won't be any going back. Well....I warned you. Here we go. My name is Dillian Blaze. But I'm also known by another name.

I am the Ghost Rider.

Wacky huh? So is it true that whenever I'm around evil, I turn into a psychotic demonic biker with a flaming skull? Not quite...you see, I'm not the same Ghost Rider as my old man. I'm what you might call a hybrid.

When my dad was still young. He made a deal with the devil....no, really, he actually made a deal with Satan. He wasn't proud of it...and neither am I. But that deal he made to save his father from certain death turned him into a flaming agent of vengeance. Every time my dad came close to evil, he would become possesed by a demon known as Zarathos....and he would seek out the source of that evil...and either eat it's soul..or burn it to a crisp with hellfire or whatever.

It didn't matter what circumstance it was...it didn't matter why you did it. If the Rider saw something evil..your soul was forfeit. So what did you do? Did you download an illegal video game? Steal someone's chocalette bar in preschool? Well as long as you see it clearly in your head.....he'll see it and you'll be sorry.

At least that's how it used to be. What happened you ask? What could have finally brought down the Spirit of Vengeance himself? Well that's all rather simple. I was born. Yes...I was a baby that killed the Ghost Rider.....

When I was born, see, Johny Blaze, ex-stuntsman wasn't my only father.....Zarathos had also made a little contribution. I was a part demon baby.......a new Ghost Rider unlike any Rider before me. And it ended up being a curse even worse then if I was bonded to a seperate spirit like Zarathos. Of course I didn't have the whole uncontrollable activation of my powers every time I came near evil.....but I did turn a couple of heads at the monastary where I was adopted. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore.....I ran.

I ran who knows how far....looking for a place where my troubles could be hidden..and my despicable abilities could be put to some use. Until I finally found a place.....

A man came to me one day, a weirdo by the name of Mephisto Pheles. He offered me a place at his school.

And what kind of school, do you ask, would accept the new Ghost Rider, a demon that hunts the demons of the world without remorse? A school for Exorcists of course. Stupid right? The Spirit of Vengeance joining a school full of people who could probably destroy him with holy water or something...well I like to think that God is a merciful fellow, even to somebody like me. After all, I'm not the guy who made a deal with the Devil. I'm just the one who reaped from it.

I walked through the massive city-like school brooding on my thoughts. All around me, kids my age wearing black school uniforms talked with each other, cheerful to begin another day of school. And me...I was like that one black spot in a sea full of white. I didn't wear a uniform, mainly because I was one of those guys who couldn't afford it.

You see, only the privellaged and hard workers ever made it into this place: True Cross Academy. I was an exception thanks to the guy who ran the Exorcist school, also known as the Cram School, at least it was known to those who were studying to be exorcists.

Leading me through the crowd of students was a pleasant looking guy with glasses named Yukio. He may not have looked it, but this guy was supposedly a full blown exorcist, and he was also my teacher.

"Now I know you're know you're nervous." said Yukio. "But try not to be too worried. Everyone in the cram school is actually quite nice once you get to know them."

"Yeah.....sure.." I muttered.

All Yukio had been talking about ever since I arrived, was how nervous I looked. But truth be told, I didn't feel nervous, just doubtful, I hadn't even attended Junior High or anything....I was going to suck in my regular classes and I was probably also going to suck at Exorcism.....heck I might also accidentally exorcise myself.

Yukio, probably guessing my thoughts, took on a more serious look. "Listen. Mephisto told me all about your little 'problem'. Just know you're not the only guy who has a secret he's struggling with."

"Y-you...know about my flaming headache?" I asked.

"Well if that's what you want to call it." said Yukio. "The only ones who actually don't know are the Exorcists training here. Don't worry, just try to keep your feelings under control and we won't have any Penance Stare victims any time soon."

"And what happens if I do start to....you know?" I asked.

"We have a contingency plan for that too." said Yukio. "we have everything under control, so just focus on studying and enjoying your school life."

Yukio stopped next to a lampost where he jumped over a wall area and landed next to a maintenance door. "Well, you coming?"

I sighed and jumped over the wall as well. Athletism and looking good in leather biker jackets....about the only thing I excelled in besides riding motorcycles. Yep...I was going to fit right in. Notice the sarcasm in my voice.

"Here's the key you need to get in-" Yukio began holding up a small key. But before he could continue I held up a hand.

"No need. I've got this." I held up a hand which instantly ignited into a flaming skeleton hand. I touched my burning bony hand against the door knob and and opened the door without any trouble.

Yukio raised his eyebrows in surprise, obviously amazed that I could activate a warp zone without the magic key required. Well spiritual defenses were nothing to a power of my level....not that I liked it.

"Well.." I said. "Did that work?"

"Try not to use that too much when you meet your classmates." said Yukio.

I deactivated my flaming hand and the flesh returned to it. "Yeah, I don't flounce this stuff around."

I walked through the door and immediately became impressed. the halls were massive with giant pillars and elegantly designed walls. If I had been a giant, this place would've still seemed large to me.

"Here's your classroom." said Yukio stopping next to a door. "You ready to meet everyone else?"

I paused before the door. "Guess it's now or never eh?" I took hold of the handle. Immediately my head burned as images flashed across my vision.

Images of a burning skull and a man covered in blue flames assaulted my head for just a fleeting moment before dissapearing like the wind.

I shook myself. What had that been about?

"Well.....are you going in or not?" Asked Yukio.

I gave Yukio an irritated look. "Yeah, yeah, keep your shorts on Four Eyes."

I opened the door.....and from that point on, my destiny was changed.

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now