An Earthy Aroma With A Hint Of Iron

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Izumo couldn't believe the day she was having. At first, things started out fine. Ordinary training camp, nothing new there. Everybody have a peachy awesome time. Then Mr. Okumura had to pull the whole, 'Surprise, this is going to be way harder then you thought' stunt. And things went downhill. Then things went uphill again when finally.....FINALLY.....she had the opportunity to tell Dillian how she felt...and then that kiss. It was her first time, but man she never thought it would be that good! Then KABOOM! It was back on the downhill track when they were interupted by the stupid playboy billionaire in his stupid high tech suit.

"Careful there, you don't want to break the flight stabilizers." said Iron Man as Izumo, Ryuji, Rin and Dillian tied to pry open the suit with Rin's sword.

Dillian and Izumo had dragged the stupid suit all the way back to camp. Apparently, the arms were the only things left working on the suit besides the targeting system and etc. Which meant that not only could Tony Stark not move his legs, but he couldn't get out either.

"'s no wonder they call him the invincible Iron Man.." Groaned Rin as helped the others pry on the suit. "This thing is just not opening up!"

"I have an idea..." grunted Dillian as he ignited his hand into fiery bones. "Why don't I just melt it open?"

"Oh no you don't!" said Iron Man. "I poured some sweat into this thing!"

"Oh, give me a break." said Dillian rolling his eyes. "You've got an entire hall of armors. It's not like you don't have a billion other suits to break."

"Yeah, but a guy's gotta have his favorites."

"Hey Dillian." I whispered. "How do you know about how many suits he has?"

"My mom knows him." Dillian whispered back. "After my dad died she went to work for Stark Industries. To be honest I think he only hired her because he felt sorry about how he and the Avengers used to chase my dad around."

"I wasn't just doing it because I was sorry Dillian.." said Iron Man. Apparently the suit enhanced his hearing. "She's a good worker."

"What were you doing out here anyways?" said Dillian scowling. "The fact that you were around can't be coincidence."

"We can talk about that after you guys get me out of this thing without damaging my baby too much."

"Well the only way we're going to get you out is if we do some damage." said Konekomaru. "It looks like you've just made that thing too well."

"Okey dokey!" said Dillian igniting his hand again. "I'm all for it! hehehehehe!"

"Don't tell me..." said Stark. "You're going to enjoy this aren't you?"

"Uh huh."

Dillian used his hand to melt the metal bonds holding the suit together and tore the it apart to reveal a handsome man with a mustache in an ordinary T-shirt and work jeans. On the guy's chest, a strange glowing circle could be seen through his shirt.

"Whoo!" said Stark climbing out and popping his neck. "Now that's way better! Howdy kiddies, Tony Stark, eccentric billionaire and part time superhero at your service. Do you have any trail mix in those camp bags? Cause unfortunately, I have yet to install a frozen yogurt machine in any of my masterpieces. (Though I'm considering it for the Mark 213)."

"So that's Tony Stark?" said Sheimi shyly. "He looks rather strange..."

"Hey! I may look strange, but I still make a mean Omlette and drive sports cars like a pro." said Stark winking.

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now