Arthur And The Ghost Rider

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Izumo couldn't remember the last time she felt so ominous. Maybe it was the fact she had just rescued a genuine frost giant from a burning building, or the fact that Dillian hadn't come back yet. But at the moment, she felt like there was something going on that she wasn't seeing. Something that if she put two and two together, would shock her beyond belief.

As she stood next to the burning building that was currently surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents, the frost giant looked at her curiously.

"You are rather brave for a human, especially given that you fight what normally remains unseen." said the frost giant. "I am glad that you are here to help us."

"Well we aren't out of the woods yet." said Izumo. "Dillian still has to get your friends back.."

Suddenly, Izumo heard her phone ring. The name on the caller ID said Dillian. Izumo opened her phone and spoke into it. "Dillian? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah." said Dillian's voice. "I got the others who were kidnapped. They're a little shaken up. Some of them have actually never seen cars before...but yeah they're ok...which is more then I can say for the guys who were actually doing the kidnapping....Izumo the guy's who kidnapped was us."

"What?" said Izumo not understanding. "What do you mean us?"

"The guys who ran the vehicles...the one driving...they were exorcists, from the Knights of The True Cross."

"WHAT!?" Izumo almost dropped her phone. "You're have to be kidding."

Izumo could hear Dillian curse to himself. "I'm afraid not...those freaking bastards."

"Well..we can talk about that later. Just ride back...and...and...Oh my God..."

"What? Izumo? What's the matter?"

Izumo was watching as a massive red and black clawed hand grabbed the side of a sky scraper. Then a humungous head peered out from behind the building...the head of Carnage...who had now grown to around 60 meters in height.

Carnage gave a fanged drooling grin to the S.H.I.E.L.D agents below and roared with a deafening cry. 

"Dillian...get back here now.." said Izumo. "Cause I think a lot of people are about to relive the Godzilla movie."


After getting Izumo's call, I spared no hesitation blazing back into Rider form and jumping back onto my bike and speeding away. Just the fact that Izumo was in danger fueled my determination to get to her. Whoever was trying to hurt her or anyone else...I swore that I would even use the Penance Stare on them if they even hurt a hair on Izumo's head.

And if Thor was there flirting with her...I would- wait a second, why the heck was I thinking about Thor?! Stupid handsome Thor...with his long flowing hair...awesome muscles which I didn't have...and no dark past that made him a threat to everyone he met...

Don't look at me like that! I am not jealous! Hmph..I'm no jealous...I'm not!...stupid Thor...with his muscles, his handsome...I'm getting off the subject!

Anyways, I rode as fast as I could down the long road, going so fast, that I think several signs behind me burst into flames, and a few other parked cars exploded. Hoping that there wasn't anybody in those cars, I pressed on. I had to save her...she was...okay, I admit it. She was the thing I cared most about in the world...she was what made being the Ghost Rider bearable...and if I lost her, I was going to be one broken up flaming skeleton biker.

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now