Horrible Truths

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So...how do you feel now...now that we're nearing the end of the story that changed my life? Amazed? Excited? Still think that I'm some sort of hero? Well probably. But just remember, though this may definitely seem like some sort book about how "Dillian saved the day"...my fight isn't over yet...and this book was marked as Book 1...Book 1 of who knows how much else?

So where were we? Yeah, attacking Zarathos.

Me and Rin both moved in at the same time. Slashing our blades in several angles at Zarathos's left side in an attempt to remove the seal that was keeping him under Doctor Doom's control.

However, Zarathos moved his own two flame blades quickly and intercepted us easily. With a roar he began to batter us back again, completely outmatching us in power, stamina, and agility.

"Crap.." said Dillian as we both jumped back. "Even when we know where to hit him he's too strong. We need to figure out another tactic somehow."

"You're talking about tactics?" I said with surprise. "Usually you just run at them swinging your sword around."

"Eh..guess Yukio's finally rubbing off on me." said Rin. "Come on! let's hit him from both sides, maybe hitting him on the right will lessen his gaurd on the left."

I nodded. "You take right...I'm going for that seal."

And so we gave Rin's strategy a try. We both let out massive battle cries (mine being more impressive then Rin's since my cry came out more as a demonic roar.) and we charged in.

I swung my sword at Zarathos's left hammering as hard as I could, surrounding myself with a powerful twister of hell fire.

Rin's plan actually worked a little, thanks to Zarathos having to concentrate on the both of us from different ends, I was able to gain better ground in hammering though Zarathos's defenses. However, I was still outmatched.

Zarathos's speed and endurance was just too much, I needed a final edge..one final sting that could put me up to par with the powerful demon. Then I remembered the Ghost Rider's ability to turn any kind of weapon into something more...

I searched for Black Widow as much as I could while I was slicing and dicing at Zarathos, and finally saw her fighting Doctor Doom along side Stark and Shura.

Iron Man was using his repulser blasts to hit at Doom from the air while Widow and Shura were flipping, slicing, and kicking all around Doom. None of this was doing much though, as apparently Doom's own mega high powered suit was giving him the edge, allowing to smack aside all the blows with ease and fire back energy blasts of his own from his hands. 

"Natasha!!" I yelled.

Thankfully, she got the hint, and threw one of her pistols to me which I caught in my left hand. I then continued my assault with more ferocity, forcing Zarathos to concentrate mainly on blocking my blade as I fired mega flaming bullets from the gun which had morphed to look like it was made of flaming black bones.

Fiinally, after about 5 minutes more of fighting, a flaming bullet grazed Zarathos's side just enough to blast off the pentagram that was controlling him. Instantly Zarathos stopped fighting, and me and Rin also stopped, looking at the demon nervously.

Zarathos dissipated his flaming swords and looked at Dillian and me with a curious appraisel..as if he wasn't quite sure what to make of us. Then he looked at me, his flaming blue eye sockets seemed to grow brighter. "Hello...little son.."

"You're not my dad." I said in response. "My father's dead."

Zarathos cackled. "Of course. How silly of me...you're the goodie two shoes type...HAHAHAHA!! You're just like Satan's puny son over there, in denial of his true heritage. No matter, I have no interest in you maggots."

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now