Zarathos Rising

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"Ya feeling okay back there champs?!" Shouted Tony Stark over wind as he flew his old fashioned military plane over Latveria. "We're almost there!"

"Why couldn't we have found some other way to get to Latveria?" Muttered Izumo who looked like she was struggling not to throw up.

"It's the only aircraft that wouldn't show up on Doom's radar!" said Stark. "Sorry, but my stealth suit is only a one are most of my suits anyways!"

It had been a gruelling flight to Latveria. The side door of the old plane meant for parachute jumpers during World War 2 had a door missing, so the wind was constantly howling. Rin, Shura, Izumo, Yukio, May and Black Widow had come on this mission with the intent of rescuing Dillian directly from Doom's castle. And that meant of course that they would have needed a way to get to Latveria..and somebody crazy enough to provide away...anyways, not much was crazier then an eccentric billionaire who was eager to test some new toys.

"So..can we land soon? PLEASE!!?" said Rin as he clutched onto the sides of the plane.  "I think I'm going to hurl!"

Yukio, who was looking greener then the Hulk, nodded. "I regret to inform everyone, that if I don't find a bag soon, this place is going to be a mess."

"Oh suck it up, all of you." said Shura who was sitting next to Natasha. "This thing ain't half bad."

Shura took out a bottle of beer and downed it all in one gulp. "Ahh..that's the stuff."

"You're drinking on this horrid thing!!?" said Izumo, her jaw open. "Do you have an iron stomach!?"

"I drink on these kind of flights at times." said Natasha breezilly. "It calms the nerves."

"Please don't say it's bourban." said Tony's voice over the intercom. "Because that's a lonely drink if I ever saw one..and you don't seem all that lonely Ms. Romanoff. Anyways, this is where you get off."

"Wait...What?" said Rin.

"Here, these look like they'll fit fine." said Natasha as she threw some parachutes to Rin, Yukio, and Izumo.

"Wait..We're jumping out!!?" said Izumo frantically. "Like, we're going to jump right out from 3,000 feet!?"

"That's the general idea." said Shura who winked as she began strapping on her own parachute.

Izumo felt stunned as Natasha began helping her to strap on her own parachute.

"Here's your cord..and here's your back up cord if you need it." said Natasha. "Understand it?"

"Y-yeah, I guess.." said Izumo. "B-but can we talk about this fir-?"

Before Izumo could finish her sentence, Shura cheerfully pushed her out the door along with Rin and Yukio. "Seeya on the ground!!"

"AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE" Izumo screamed at the top of her lungs as she fell through the air. "I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!"


Suddenly Natasha Romanoff flew past the group and shouted. "PULL YOUR CHUTE!!"

Izumo didn't need telling twice. She frantically pulled her cord and the parachute opened up like a God given miracle. The entire group sailed down into a forested area that was near what looked like an old fashioned villiage.

As soon as the group landed on the ground, Izumo heard a familiar rocket-like sound and looked to see a sleek dark blue and black Iron Man suit land on the ground.

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