Mission: Defeat Demon Carnage

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Do all demons have tails? Well, I have absolutely no idea..Rin and every other demon I have ever met supposedly have tails...but whenever I've gone all out Ghost Rider, I would find absolutely no tail.

I bet you're wondering why I'm considering such a seemingly pointless question. No, it's not because I'm bored, but more like because ever since I got the sword Kajigoku, a new variety of possibilities opened up to me. One of those possibilities was the fact that now that I could control my power without going insane, I had a good chance to check out what it was like to really use my powers.

Previously, everything I saw and experienced was quick and blurred, my insane mind had no time to observe things or take in any new experiences, I was too busy burning everything up and rampaging around like a psycho maniac. But now...I could actually turn into the Rider and take a look at what I looked like in the mirror. (Weirdest 5 minutes of my life...I mean just watching my skull move around like that and open it's jaw.....creepy...)

So anyways, I was now turning into the Rider a lot... getting to know my powers, my strengths, my weaknesses, everything. Don't get too happy, I can still possibly go insane. All I need to do is activate my power without being in contact with my sword.. and it won't matter if I retrieve my sword  after I go all Rider and stuff, I'll be a complete psycho until someone snaps me out of it. I found that out the hard way when I devoured the souls of all the trained familiars used for field practice two days ago.

Now don't get me wrong.. it wasn't as if I was starting to like my power. I mean seriously, I know there are some naïve people out there who think it would be cool if they could turn into a soul terminating biker with a flaming skull and fiery treads, but those who do don't usually consider the fact that almost everybody treats you like you're the Devil himself.

My friends in Cram School treat me just fine. I guess they had practice in the art of accepting people for who they are rather then the power they were born with from hanging with Rin. But unless you count Mr. Okumura, all the other teachers and staff would give suspicious and cautious looks, as if they were afraid I would flame up and destroy everything in a rage.

After the fiasco with Carnage and Amaimon...I couldn't find any reason to blame them. It was like Fury said. Besides the Hulk, I was probably the one of the most dangerous loose cannons in the world. (though to be perfectly honest, I think the Hulk would totally curb stomp me. I mean, he beat Thor for pete's sake. )

I didn't let any of that bother me though. Because as it so happened, I couldn't be happier. For the first time in my life, I actually had a girlfriend, and I didn't have to beg her to go out with me..

Yeah, yeah, stop smirking. I know you're going to go all 'I told you so' with the whole me and Izumo thing. I'll admit it, you were right, me and Izumo actually make a great pair. And apparently the big heads up top thought so too, because today, I was given my first mission as an Exwire, and I would be going with Izumo.

"Keep a sharp eye out." said Yukio as he handed me the mission details during today's class. "Exwires may only get low class missions, but this will be especially crucial to practicing out in the field."

As Yukio continued to hand files out to other chosen pairs, me and Izumo opened our file. "Heh, I wonder what it is."

"It probably won't be anything major." said Izumo. "They'll probably tell us to clean up some litter a demon left behind, or catch the ghost of a little kid or something."

"Okay.." I began to read. "Your mission...blablabla....you have had past experience handling this foe....blablabla.....Carnage is now possessed by a demon....blabla....hold on........CARNAGE IS WHAT?!"

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now