A Ride Like No Other

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You want me to describe what I was feeling when I woke up? Well... I have to say it was a combination of both awesome and painful. The painful part was more on the physical level due to the fact that felt like I needed at least 200 doses of morphine.

The awesome part? Well the first thing I saw when I woke up was a girl. And considering how much people used to avoid me back at the monastary, it was like a beautiful dream.

Izumo was looking at me with a little bit of tears in her eyes...now where had I seen those tears before?

"You idiot.." said Izumo wiping her eyes. "Why did you have to do something so stupid?"

I took a moment to clear my head and found that I was lying in some sort of bed in a brightly lit dorm room. Standing in the room were pretty much every single one of my classmates.

What the heck is everybody else doing here? I wondered. Wait....could it have something to do with..?

I remembered back to my fight with the ghoul. That's right... Izumo probably told everybody what happened. Yukio would have probably been forced to explain about the Ghost Rider. But that didn't make sense, if that was true, then I should've been avoided, there shouldn't have been anybody in this room.

"What's going on?" I muttered.

Rin stepped forward. "You kinda....er, turned into an agent of flaming doom and saved Izumo from a demon..hehe."

"So you guys do know..." I muttered. "Well that's just great...I suppose you all want to avoid me now huh?"

"Are you freaking stupid!!?" Ryuji gave me an irritated look. "So you went a little 'flame on' back there, we're not going to be as low as to avoid you just because of that! Heck, if you hadn't done that, both you and Izumo would be dead!!"

All the others nodded in agreement. What the heck? What was with these people?

"By the way.." said Renzo the pink haired guy. "How did you do that?"

Me and Izumo just stared for a moment.

"Wait.. didn't Yukio explain everything to you guys?"

Everyone except Izumo just looked at each other and shrugged. I sighed. "No wonder you guys aren't avoiding me..."

"Hey!" said Rin with a furious light in his eyes. "Stop assuming that just because you're part demon or something that we'll just avoid you! Heck yeah we know you're part demon! What else could you be!? But if you think you've got it bad, check this out!"

Rin took the sword he always carried on his back and unsheathed it. The sword suddenly ignited into blue flames. Two balls of fire ignited on Rin's forehead and his ears turned pointed while his teeth became sharper. A black tail with a blue flame on the end came out of his backside.

"I'm the son of Satan himself!" said Rin. "I've got the worst father in the entire universe!!"

"Rin!" said Ryuji. "Are you sure you should be..?!"

"He needs to see this." said Rin. "He needs to....Dillian?"

At that moment, I was barely registering what anyone was saying, because a massive pain had just erupted all over my skull. Immediately my body burst into flames, and all the flesh melted from my body, my brain totally lost it as I surrendered to the part of me that was the Ghost Rider.

I stood up as Izumo and the others backed away in shock. My flaming skeletal hand pointed at Rin.

"I am yours to command."

I got down on one knee and bowed my flaming skull. My thoughts were a whirlwind of desires to take all the sinners of the world and shred them to pieces. I held no sense of sanity except for that burning desire to burn and consume.

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now