Hell On Earth

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So, how do I describe what it's like to fight in a battle zone with enemies from multiple sides and some of them are supposed to be your allies but distrust you so much they attack you anyways? HELL ON EARTH!!

Of course, normally, in my Ghost Rider state, I wouldn't care, I'd just lash out at everything that either attacked me or did some very bad sin juju. You know, the usual psycho stuff. But Kajigoku making me sane (or saner then I usually was), everything was a whole lot less simple then that.

Not only did I find myself in a whole bunch of mega trouble trying not to hurt people too much. But the people I was trying not to hurt were trying to hurt me.

I know what you're thinking. 'What could those idiots possibly do to harm the Ghost Rider?' Well I'm not fighting with a bunch of gangsters here, I was fighting the minions of M.O.D.O.K and a bunch of paranoid exorcists.

Okay, I admit, M.O.D.O.K's men couldn't do much against me. But the exorcists were throwing everything from Holy Water grenades to sanctified bullets. Being a more powerful demon then normal, I was able to shrug some of this off....but it still hurt like heck.

I roared as more holy water vapor bombs exploded around me,causing my bare flaming bones to actually feel like they were burning. I slashed Kajigoku, causing a flaming shockwave to blow the vapor away as I turned to face the Exorcists that were supposed to be on my side.

Out of the corner of my eye sockets I could see Wolverine hacking and slashing through some of M.O.D.O.K's men as Rin blew them away with some blue fire. Izumo and the others had come down to help, I could see Izumo's two familiars growling and prowling around me, swiping at any Exorcists who dared to try to get near me like two body gaurds. I was grateful for that, things were hard enough without more holy water. 

I staggered back as one of M.O.D.O.K's men in his yellow haz mat suit blasted a laser from his high tech gun at my head and blew part of my skull apart. In an instant my skull regenerated and I lashed out my chain which was in my left hand and snatched the man up, using my chain to wave him around viciously through the air and send him crashing through several others of M.O.D.O.K.'s cronies.

It was starting to become hard to keep track of who was fighting who. From what I could try to understand, so far it was me, Rin, May, Wolverine and the rest of my friends V.S. the Exorcists V.S. M.O.D.O.K., a three way free for all. 

And here I was in the middle of it all, like flaming bony hurricane, in my right hand, and slashed out flaming blows with Kajigoku, while in my left hand I whipped around my flaming chain, all the while I was blasting flaming beams out of my eye sockets. All we needed now was The Hulk, Doctor Doom, and Amaimon and it would probably become a full blown mega chaos fiesta.

In the podium, the judges were busy cowering behind their areas. I didn't blame them, their primary focus was politics, not battle. They probably didn't even know how to swing a sword much less perform certain excorcisms. And considering me and Rin were the only demons in this fight, and most of the enemy was comprised of high tech terrorists with lasers, unless there were Tamers and Knights in this crowd, not many people were going to stand a chance.

 I slashed my sword through several more zombie dog like familiars who pounced at me and breathed fire out of my jaws to clear a path. I ran through the fiery path I created and came to stand right next to Rin, Izumo, and Wolverine.

"This is getting nowhere." I said. "Unless we stop this fight, we're going to end up tearing this entire place apart!"

"No kidding." grunted Logan. "We need to take out the big instigators though if we're going to restore any order."

Ghost Rider Exorcist. Book 1: Flames of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now