Chapter one they actually want me?

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Anna's pov
I was siting in my room blasting 5SOS as usual and not caring about the other people around me they didn't even like me so why do I care what they say they can't tell me what to do only I can I'm older than most of them anyways. There was a knock at my door I sighed and opened it to reveal the bitch name Beth she said "there's people here that want to adopted a child." I said "like I care I won't get adopted and you know that for a fact." She sighed and said "just pack your things and come down you might win them over this time." I said "fine whatever you say." I closed the door and I packed the little things I had.

Then I headed downstairs and I was frozen in place this isn't real life is Louis fucking Tomlinson and Eleanor fucking clader really here!!!! Oh my gosh they are!!! But with my luck they won't want me I'm just a stupid girl with dyed hair and prices. I sighed lossing my happiness again then the two went down the line they came up to me and said "what's your name?" I said "anna." Eleanor said "that's a beautiful name my name is Eleanor and this is my boyfriend Louis." I said "nice to meet you guys huge fan." Louis said "oh really well I think you might be the one how old are you?" I said "are you serouis?!?! And I'm 14." Eleanor said "your perfect you're the one for us." I had the biggest smile on my face and I was so happy I walked into the office with them as they signed the papers now they were officially my mom and dad!!! I squealed and said "bye bitches don't have to deal with you anymore suckers." Then left then of course the bitch had to say "she's a handful just warning you a lot of people return her but you guys seem you got this." I rolled my eyes and Dad said "I think we can handle her she won't get away with a lot of things with us and we defently won't be bring her back here." I said "we'll see about that."

Then we left and headed to their car mom asked "what do you like to do?" I said "party go to concerts Listen to music oh and hangout with my friends." Dad said "how much do you dye your hair." I said "once a week." mom said "do you go to school?" I said "yeah I do just not there a lot I skip like everyday." Dad said "well now you will be cause we won't allow you to skip." I said "we'll see about that."

Then we got to their house mom carried my stuff in and I walked in it was huge I was so happy it was beautiful I was not going to mess this up for myself. Then we went up to my room I loved it it was amazing mom said "like it?" I said "I love it it's amazing thank you." She said "no problem." Then I put all my stuff away and headed down stairs I asked dad if I could have some friends over he said "sure."

Then I texted Matthew Denise and Lola they were on their way I texted them the address then there was a knock on the door I said "I got it." It was Matthew Denise and Lola I said "hey guys." They said "hey you finally got adopted." I said "yeah and thank gosh for that because I was about to kill someone there." Lola said "you and me both want some?" It was vodka I said "hell yeah is that even a question it's celebration time." She chuckled and we just chatted and drunk it we were so wasted they left after that.

Then mom called me down for dinner I stumbled down the stairs dad said "are you wasted?" I said "psh no why would you think that?" mom said "because you came stumbling down the stairs and you smell like it." I said "I tripped ok I'm also tired so leave me alone and that's just a perfume I use that smells like it." dad raised a eyebrow at me and said "excuse me miss that's no way you talk to your mother." I said "ok I'm sorry."

After we were done I put my plate away and went to take a shower and then I got my pjs on and took a shot of whisky that I had it tasted good then I brushed my teeth and climbed into my bed and fell asleep.

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