|7| • |🙌|

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The weekend had come around again, so Wonpil did what he always did when he was bogged down with homework...



Wonpil has named the chat:
No Homo (+Sungjin)


Any of you guys free today?




I'm kinda tired


Always lol


Yeah boii

Let's go party 🙌


Sure 😂


Why not, I'll join



You changed your mind quickly Jae


I didn't change my mind

I said I didn't know

And then I knew


Awh don't worry bby ik you miss me

You'll get to see me soon

You don't have to worry anymore


Yah I don't wanna go anymore smh


Just come oml.

Meet at the park in half an hour?


Everyone agreed, so Wonpil quickly threw on some clothes for hanging out in, and headed out of the house towards the park.

Of course he was happy to be hanging out with all of the guys, but to be honest, he was desperate to see what was gonna happen with Jae and Younghyun.

And maybe between him and Dowoon... But he was gonna keep denying that.

And it had been ages since he'd seen Sungjin. He missed his hyung.

He sat down on the bench, scrolling through his phone for less than a minute before the attack.

"Pili!" Jae crushed the poor guy from behind, getting revenge for the last time they met. He hated when Wonpil did that to him, and he felt that it was only right to get his revenge.

"Whoah, are you cheating on me?" Another voice came from behind, causing Jae to let go instantly.

The oldest boy was slightly flushed when he realised that Brian had seen him hug Wonpil. But of course, Jae was gonna play it cool. "Yep. I don't love you anymore. I'm in love with Wonpil now."

"That means you used to love me." Younghyun pointed out, causing Jae to mentally curse. Of course he had to slip up like that.

"Only for your money." Jae retorted, taking a seat on the bench next to Wonpil and slipping his hands in his hoodie pocket coolly.

Brian let out a chuckle and took a sat next to Jae. He didn't want the youngest to be left out, so he decided to strike up a conversation with the keyboardist. "So how are you Wonpil?"

"I'm fine, thanks, you?" Brian began to talk about his day, and Jae found himself getting lost in that beautiful face. Where had Brian been his whole life? Why had he never met this man before? How could one human be so perfect?

"Yo Romeo, I said hi." A voice snapped Jae out of his dreaming, and he turned to see Sungjin grinning at him. "This must be Younghyun. Nice to meet you."

"Hi. Yeah, but my friends call me Juliette." Brian joked back, causing Jae to narrow his eyes. "Well it's your fault for staring."

"I was contemplating how one face can be so annoying." He shrugged, shuffling closer to Brian so that Sungjin could sit down.

"You love it really." Brian teased. Jae didn't argue, he merely scoffed and turned his attention to the large lake in the center of the park, watching some ducks turn upside down as they ate and waited for Dowoon.

It was peaceful.

That is, until Brian leaned slightly and rested his head on Jae's shoulder. The older boy tensed up, eyes going wide. He never expected anything even remotely sweet from Brian. Just bullying. To be honest, he wasn't sure how to react to that.

His body was telling him to rest his head on Brian's, while his brain was second guessing. What if this was a test?

If Jae were to cuddle up to Brian, he'd probably turn around and call him gay or something stupid like that...

"Jae, are you alright?" Brian suddenly sat up again, eyes going slightly wide. Jae had been holding his breath for almost thirty seconds now, and Brian could sense how uncomfortable he was. "I- I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't mind, since-"

"No, no, I don't mind." He sent a reassuring smile when he realised that Brian was actually being genuine. The younger nodded and rested his head again. Jae gently laid his head on top of Brian's, feeling the soft hair under his cheek. It felt warm and friendly, perfect against him.

Then, Jae realised something he'd never noticed before. Since all the people he'd dated before had been girls, he never really got any cute feelings with them. But, for the first time in this kind of situation...

His heart was fluttering.

|No Homo| • |Day6|Where stories live. Discover now