Special Chapter •|B'day (Brian Day)|•

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"It's your turn." Jae handed the little plastic bag over to Brian, the younger casting his gaze back down to the poop on the floor.

"What a cute birthday idea, I'll get you a shitting machine." He grumbled like a little old man, crouching down and scooping up the ew it's still warm dog mess.

Jae laughed as he petted the husky, Max, proudly. Although Brian was grumbling now, he was so excited to get a dog.

Luckily, there was a dog bin nearby as the two men continued on their walk, with the bounding husky puppy ahead of them.

They had learned quite quickly that huskies were untrainable and didn't listen to a word anyone said. But they still loved him, even if he did never know when to stop-

"Max! Stop!" Jae yelled as the dog gave an extra hard tug, crashing him into some poor lady who was passing by.

He tumbled on top of her, trying desperately to keep a hold on the dog.

"I'm so sorry miss, he isn't trained yet, and..." Brian calmly made his way over, taking hold of the lead and grinning down at Jae, who was busy apologising.

He stood up quickly, offering his hand to help the lady up, and only then did it click who she was.

As she busied herself brushing her clothes down, Jae looked over Brian for confirmation.

The younger man was staring, wide eyed at his mother, who sighed loudly, before chuckling slightly.

"You need to learn to keep that dog under control. When he'd fully grown he'll be dragging you all over the park."

Then she finally looked up.

Silence loomed over everyone as Brian and his mother tried to comprehend the situation.

She was stood right there in front of him.

Eventually, a broad smile lit up her face, and she ran over to her son, embracing him. "Don't you ever ignore my calls again. Do you know how long I've spent trying to find you? I thought you'd moved abroad."

Younghyun couldn't move.

Jae was just as shocked, thought not as upset of course.

"Younghyun?" The lady pulled back, worried when her son wasn't replying. He looked at her like she was a complete stranger.

He took a deep breath, looking down to the ground. "I told you, I don't want to see you guys anymore. C'mon Jae."

He gave a slight tug on the sofa lead, and it happily followed him. Jae was going to move in tow, but then realised he couldn't just leave the poor lady there after all that.

He sighed and pulled out one of his business cards - JYP were very professional - and handed it over to her.

"Meet me in that cafe over there in two hours."


"I can't force him to come and see you." Jae pointed out for the fifth time as he talked to the frustrated lady. She was desperately trying to get Jae to convince Younghyun that she still loved him, but Jae knew more than anyone the Brian wasn't changing his mind anytime soon.

"I know, but there's something I desperately need to discuss with him." She pressed on, not getting the hint that it was a no.

"Then discuss it with me. I've already told you, there's nothing I wouldn't do to make sure he's happy. If that means having to..."

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