Special Chapter •|Hi Hello|•

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Oof so since there were only like 2 questions I decided that instead of a Q&A, if turn them into lil special chapters.


"I can't do this anymore Jae. I want to be with the man that I love, don't you?" Younghyun proclaimed through the phone and Jae's breath hitched.

They'd been arguing like this more and more recently, since Jae had been working a lot internationally, and it had been almost two months since the two saw face to face.

"Of course I do, but I-"

"Have a contract that I need to uphold, and there will be a representative from JYP at the next show, and I'm doing my best to make you happy at the same time." Brian perfectly echoed all of Jae's previous words.

"Bri, seriously, I-"

"I can't do it Jae. It hurts to not have you here with me. You're in Spain! That's so far away! And I'm sure you're having the time of your life but things are so fucking lonely back home without you!"

I'll be home soon, we just have to-"

"I can't Jae." At this point, Jae could hear that Younghyun was crying. That immediately triggered Jae to cry too, and he was getting some weird looks in the changing room for the show. "I can't live with the constant promise and no delivery."

"Bri I love you." It was barely a whisper, and Brian didn't even hear it as he continued.

"I want you to be happy. I want you to be famous, but I want to be happy too. So I think,"

Oh fuck no.

"It's best for both of us,"

No no no.

"If we just see other people."

"Kang Younghyun, you have no id-" the line went dead. Jae almost dropped his phone as his hands began to shake.

Brian just... broke up with him.

"Dude are you okay?" Wonpil sauntered over, looking like a snacc in his runway clothes, as always.

"I'm going home." Jae whispered again.

"What? Home? But there's gonna be so many people to network with here. Apparently some of the picker representatives are going home already because they don't think us to be good enough."

"Well maybe I can cabshare with someone then. I need to leave." Jae wasn't really thinking straight as he completely abandoned the show without telling any of the directors or producers that he was leaving. Wonpil could sort that out for him. All he knew was that he needed to go back to Younghyun. Now."

When he got outside, a man was stood waiting for his cab impatiently, so Had put on his best pleading face and headed over. "Excuse me, sir?"

The mans eyes dragged up and down Jae's body. It was then that he remembered he was still wearing some of the clothes from the show. Oops. "Do you mind if I share this cab? Where are you heading?"

"Inner city, but I don't mind." The man shrugged.


As they sat in the back of the taxi, the man spoke again. "I'm Kibum, by the way. I'm uh, a talent scout from JYP. And may I just say, you'd fit right in with us..."

This was gonna be a long day.


Jae took a deep breath of Korean air as he knocked once, twice on the front door to the house he hadn't stepped foot in for two months.

A tired face greeted him when the door opened, followed by a face of shock, and then a face of glee. "Jae what are you doing here?"

"Sungjin I need your help."


Jae threw the rock up as high as he thought he should, but it hit the brick just below the window. "Shit."

Sungjin just laughed and grabbed a lighter one, perfectly tapping it on the window.

Younghyun woke up with a start. What the fuck was that? Did a bird just fly into his window?

Then there was another noise.

He frowned, standing up. His eyes were still sore from crying, making it hard for him to see as he made his way over to the curtains just as a third item hit his window. Maybe it was hail?

He drew back the curtains and looked up, but there was nothing there. That is, until another stone startled him from below.

He looked down to see Sungjin stood in the garden, about to lob another pebble at him.

Younghyun quickly threw open his window. "Hey, stop that! What do you want, it's like three in the morning?"

Sungjin didn't respond. Instead, he began strumming a little melody on the guitar that Younghyun only just had the energy to notice.

"You were you,

I was me,"

A soft voice joined in, and Brian's heart stopped. Jae emerged from his hiding place - behind a bush - and began to sing that song from his notepad.

Brian would never admit it to Jae, but he'd often gone back and read that song, trying to figure out a tune for it, but he never pictured it to be this beautiful.

"Hi~" Jae was incredible, his singing was something from another world. How had Brian been so much of an idiot that he thought it was okay to leave him?

"Hello~" Sungjin echoed, making Younghyun giggle.

They played through the song beautifully, actually starting to make Brian cry again. And when it was done, he hurried to get them both inside into the warm, and to try and rectify his mistake.

"Jae," he breathed, hugging the other man tightly, "I'm so fucking sorry. I really need you in my life, you've done so much for me and I'm being so ungrateful. You need to go and chase your dreams, I'll wait for you."

"Nope." Jae grinned. "I'm staying right here in Seoul, under my new management."

Jae proudly held out his phone, which showed the last text he got from Kibum.

JYP loves you.
You have the job!

And that was the third time Brian cried.

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