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The two men finished their food quickly. It was really good, and Sungjin was happy that Wonpil was enjoying himself like this.

When they had finally scraped up the last remnants of their deserts, Wonpil set his fork down, looking up at Sungjin happily. "We should do this more often."

"Yeah, we never spend time alone together anymore." Sungjin agreed, taking a final sip of the delicious wine that Jae had given to them before standing up to leave.

He left a generous tip on the table for Jae, since he'd been kind enough to set this up. He owed Jae a lot.

"It's a shame," Wonpil looked up to Sungjin as the two made their way over to the exit. The older could easily tell that Pili was trying to read his face, to test the waters and decipher how Sungjin really felt, and then he finally droppped the bomb. "I like spending time with you."

Well, this was the one chance that Sungjin was going to get. He wasn't going to waste it. "I like spending time with you too. Maybe we could do this again soon. Somewhere more... Romantic?"

There was a deathly pause after he'd asked that question. You could have cut the thick air with a knife. Sungjin felt his heart sink when there was no reply from the younger.

He swallowed thickly and tore his eyes away from Wonpil's shocked face, quickening his pace slightly.

Before he could reach the door though, he felt a hand grab his own, fingers delicately interlacing, treating him as if he was made out of glass and could shatter at any moment.

He stopped in his tracks and turned back to the younger boy. It was his turn to be the silent, surprised one. "That sounds great. But next time, don't be embarrassed. Me and you have been through everything as friends, I hardly think this is going to change my perspective of you that much."

"S-so you want to stay friends?" Sungjin was confused, but he was even more confused when Wonpil shook his head.

The two walked out into the car park as they talked, getting into Sungjin's car. He didn't drive anywhere though; he wanted to see how this conversation played out.

"No, I meant you don't have to be so shy. When we were just friends, you'd never be afraid to say how you felt. I always liked that about you." Wonpil shrugged, giving the elders hand a comforting squeeze. He knew how tough it was to ask out his first boyfriend, so he wanted to support Sungjin through this. "You can always tell me your feelings."

Sungjin smiled slightly then, surprised that Wonpil had actually noticed anything about him like that. "Oh. Well in that case... Alright... I, uh, I really like you Wonpil. I'm kinda terrified because this is all so new to me, and you'd probably reject me, and things won't be the same again."

The younger sat in awe. Sungjin was really that worried? "Jinnie, you have nothing to worry about. Trust me, I wouldn't reject you, and I'm here to support you all the way. I know this is a big step, but you don't realise how happy I am that you've chosen to take that step with me."

The older man almost blushed at Wonpil's words, glad that he was so calm and understanding. "So... Will you..." Sungjin gestured, not able to finish the question.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Wonpil asked instead, chuckling slightly. Sungjin nodded quickly, grinning as he pulled Wonpil in for an awkward car-hug.

When Sungjin pulled up outside Wonpil's house, he turned the younger boy and smiled the most genuinely ecstatic smile the younger has ever seen. "Thanks. For everything."

"You bought the meal, I should be thanking you." Wonpil chuckled back.

"No, for real, Wonpil." Wrapping his arms around the keyboardist tightly, he whispered another "Thank you."



Well Jae,

You did it

I don't know what you told him

But damn

I am in love


Would you do this to me??

I'm so happy

But why?

Gayhyung 😘:

Why are you complaining then??


I'm not...

I'm just confused

And happy

Very happy

Gayhyung 😘:

It's payback for you getting me and Brian together.


O yeah

How are things with you guys?

Gayhyung 😘:



Wowie a cliffhanger.

Hope you guys are doing amazing ♥

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