Chapter 9- Poor Bird

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Stars pov

I ran back downstairs to beg my mum not to send me to st Olgas.

"Mum pleasee dont send me to st Olgas." I fell to my knees and cupped my hands.

"Oh star stop being so pathetic, its not that bad." She looked disgusted.

"But it is, i promise i'll be good, and ill read that queen book thingy you got for me." i stood up and brushed myself down.

"Hmm, No st olgas will train you better."

"Oh my god." I sighed.

"Star! Queens dont use that language, ive had quite enough of you, now go to your room." She pointed to me room.

I walked to the stairway and was about to go upstairs when i heard my mum shout, "Queens dont sulk."

Marcos pov

I slowly spun around to look at Jackie.

"Jackie what have you done..." 

She was laughing.

"Marco i was only joking." She held onto the cabinet for support, "I banged my hand on the table, so it sounded like i dropped the egg."

I looked at the bird cage, the egg was sitting safely inside.

"Jackie thats not funny." I tried to sound angry at her.

She carried on laughing.

"Ok ok im sorry." She said between tears of joy.

At that moment a dove tapped on my window.

"Whats that?" Jackie looked around.

"Oh, its a letter." I rushed over to the window and let the bird in.

The bird flew in and i took the bottle from around her neck, she went and perched on the bird cage.

"Is that from star?" She pointed at the bottle in my hand.

I nodded.

She went over to the bird and started to stroke its head, it chirped angrily.

"Jackie i dont think she likes you very much." I looked over at the bird who was now flapping its wings uncomfortably.

"Shes fine." Jackie grabbed the bird and walked over to me.

The bird bit jackies finger and she squealed.

"What the hell?" She dropped the bird and it flew over to my shoulder and nuzzled up to me.

"I bet star has told it to avoid me." She folded her arms.

"Im going home." Jackie stormed out of my room and i heard my parents speak to her worriedly.

I felt relived.

I opened the letter carefully.


I told you, you cant come with me, Toffee will know where i am and the head minster will tell my parents, im sorry marco, there is nothing you can do.

Your bird will hatch soon, dont worry the dove i have given you is one from mewni, say where you want her to go and she will go there.

I have to go to bed now, i need to wake up early. 

Goodbye Marco x

 I felt a tear come to my eye, star will never be star again. I wasnt going to let this pass, i was going to save her somehow.

I looked at the time- 10pm.

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