Chapter 15- Stars diary

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Day 1

Today i went to earth, its a strange place.

My parents sent me down here instead of sending me to st olgas.

Im living with a boy named marco, i dont think he likes me though, but his parents are nice.

I took him dimension hopping with ponyhead, it was fun.

He makes amazing food, i love his nachos.

Day 2

I woke up early this morning,i had to go to a place called school.

There was so many people just like marco here!

No one carried wands which was strange, how do they protect themselves?

I met a girl called jackie lynn thomas, i think shes Marcos crush.

I followed her around for most of the day, and then we went to visit marco with his friends.

He blushed at the sight of jackie, it was weird.

Stars pov

"Star! foods ready."

I sighed and lay the book down on my bed.

"i'll finish it later." I thought to myself.

I headed downstairs and sat at the table.

Marco sat next to me.

"Hey guys." His mum set a plate down in front of me.

I downed the food as fast as i could and ran back upstairs shouting thanks on the way up.

I read on and on until i reached-

Day 75

I am so scared, ive planned out what im going to say when i ask marco to be my boyfriend tomorrow. I hope he doesnt see this diary before i confess.

He doesnt know that i like him yet, he may like me, but i doubt it.

Today was boring, marco was at the park with his old friends, i dont know who they were, he got all secretive and didnt tell me.

It was worrying.

I looked up from the book and suddenly felt sad, i never did ask marco to be my boyfriend, i chickened out.

I left the book open on my bed and went to the bathroom.

"Star? Star!" I heard marco shouting me.

I ignored him, id speak to him when i got out the bathroom.

I went back into my room and saw marco sitting on my bed with the book in his hand,his hair covering the front of his face, i turned to walk away when he shouted me "Star! i see you."

I sighed and went into my room.

"Whats this?" He closed the book and gave it to me.

"I was reading my old diary." I tried to act casual.

"I suppose you did never ask me to be your boyfriend then?" He laughed.

I laughed along with him.

"That was two years ago marco." I rolled my eyes.

He got up and walked over to me, "Goodnight princess." he gently flicked my nose and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

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