Chapter Nine (Pay time)

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~Months later~

"Excuse meeee!"

I was saving my butt out of the traffic street, I just crossed to the nearest starbuck to fetch my dearly boss his coffee.

Yes great I survive One month of hell and purgatory! One Month of anger and regrets! One Month of dying! One Month of nearly quitting! But no I refused to quit because I had this new motto burning inside that 'Quiters never wins and winners never quit and no pain, no gain.'

One Month purgatory knowing today is our pay day! So I can send money home and settle down myself. Well I'm adjusting to my new community and my heart is clearly not yet changing still it pounds too loud when I'm close or invigorated by his scent and presence.

I sometimes ask my heart do I like him? But brain insisted that no because his brutal and got no mercy on your aching bone after work. Tsk, tsk, tsk, crazy? As I reach the office I greeted Rita which only nodded and still very snob, ogre!

I went directly to his office and delivered his coffee.

"You're fucking 15 minutes late?!" He snarl at me and grab the coffee on my hand, greedy pig. Hope that caffeine would choke you!

You wanna know why I'm fucking late? Because of your stupid long list! If you only knew that I need to scrub the carpet or vacuum it every morning before I fitch him coffee. Huh! Lunatic! What's the purpose of janitors if I'm sweeping it. He clearly want my life with him in hell! Ogre! I wanna scream it on his face.

See heart you can't love that beast, whispered brain. No brain he's still hot! Smoking hot! I shook my head to this mind blowing fighting of my own. As I was about to leave and slam his door when he shouted again.

He was suddenly out of his double door and elegant office called all the emloyees including me and crazily declared!

"You all have a day off gave your work to the new and good secretary Ms. Martin and enjoy your weekends." He smirk and wink at me!

WAAAAOOOOOOHHHH!! alone with him! TONS OF PAPERWORKS! And the idiots woosh out the door leaving my jaw hanging how could they leave me behind?

"Baby buy me a paper and a itallian dish nearby faster!" Baby your face TOBY! Gosh! You got lots of papers in your office!

YIKESS! I'm tired my feet aches due to the walk and runs because of the lazy nonsense errands of my handsome demon oppent which is my boss laughing in his officice and just watching adventure time. GOSHHH!

"Fax the paperwork on your table!" JEEZZZ!!!!

Again and again! I nodded and curtsey which I only gained smirk from him. I went to my office and bombarded with pile of paperwork to Fax, see his a demon! I just let go a frustrating sigh. I can only imagined his wicked grin on the other wall.

~~ hours later~~

I was done with my work that I only yawn with the drowsiness invading my senses.

When the yellow buzzer light up, it means I need to go to his office, but if blue; I need to call him. Note: immediately! But if green you're doomed! And last but not the list is  Red buzzer when it light up your fired! Packed your things, locked your office door, give Rita the key and go home! Harsh right, that's my loathed-high-school-enemy-boss.

I gather my strength to walk on my aching ankles in my heels running back and forth through the building floors.

"Coming ogre!" I growled.

As I open the office door, the halls are deserted. Checking my wristwatch it was 5:30 pm. What the hell did I finished it whole day that I didn't check the time.

Rita was gone probably home.

Opening the door and closing it slowly, I saw his amazing body under the glistening twilight behind him, it was a wonderful view that I saw the setting up and down of the sun behind my boss's powerful domain. His really lucky.

I blink my eyes rapidly as my body's temperature increases, no question I always feel this way around him, by now Ms. Heart is grinning widely while Ms. Brain is scowling. Owww!

"Here's your one month salary, by tomorrow I want you in my house early so you can finish it early too."

And part of the list is cleaning his house Saturday morning which is another addition to my salary! He handed me a cheque and my eyes sparks, Dad you'll be supported! Yeah, I didn't even mentioned that every weekend's I stay at his place to clean, Yeah my secretary life suck! Still it worthy my hardwork receiving great sum of money.

I nodded and forces a smile to my weak body. I clasp it and grin lunatically.


I immediately sit on the plush chair in front his table, staring at the cheque. My mind flew endlessly to my family this day, now my bitter sucking boss has given me my price. Yehey!

When the his phone suddenly rang, his brows knitted and turn his back as he answered the phone call. I stared at his sexy back, his sexy legs, then palm face his sexy ass. Goody he looks hot in his suit and tie. I'm salivating!

Ms. Brain stick his tongue at me, while I and Ms. Heart is drooling. He squared his shoulder and I squirm at his sudden distracting moves.

I look away. ←_← O_o →_→

"Hey, baby." Such a sweet voice I feel envious of whom he is talking to and calling her baby, might it a he, gay? Or not! He only call me baby when he pissed me off but to the one his talking right his relax and happy.

"Yes Daddy love it."

I wedge on my sit, daddy?! His married! And I'm flirting at his back! Ms. Brain smiled her billion dollar at me and miss heart is being splash with cold basen of water to blink in reality. Dreamer!

His married? But he got no ring on it? How?! Why!? Stupid question, of course he'll get married his hot and sexy missy. Yeah, I know right! But I never met his family! In his house I never ever saw any indication that he was married?! No family pictures. Except to the room he forbidden me to enter. So what's going on!?

"Love you baby, see you Monday kiss me for Mommy."

Kiss me for Mommy!? Now it was flaming lava is poured on me. I'm too late, will how on Earth would a sexy, smoking hot beast like me. I get it enough Ms. Brain.

As he end the phone call, I never feel happy but I feel tired and sick. I rose on my seat as he turn on me.

"Sir I need to go, I've done the paperwork there at your cabinet piled and delivered." I rub my eyes fighting the tears.

I move out the door he never stop me. See you're completely out of his league! I collected my purse lonely as the a poor rat. How! How! I feel so lonely like daggers are stub on my heart, it hurts it really hurts. I rode the elevator, I cried never stopping myself. His married! He got no ring, divorced? widower? He got a son! I cried myriad of emotions is lapping through my broken heart!

I called a cab went home! Stupid Friday night! I hate Friday!

This is the worst pay day ever! Wait am I inlove? Oh I lose the heart fight again.

Hi guys keep voting and keep on your comments. I love having you reading my story. Hope you never get bored :) hehehehe

         xOxO uncovered :)

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