Chapter Sixteen (Broken)

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His car screams 'billion dollars baby' it is a white Lamborghini Gallardo. You might wonder how rich this bastard beside me is? We were driving to Haley's apartment in a complete silence even though I tried to make small talk, a million times and he just shut me up. Crazy bastard.

"Hey, this isn't the way to Haley's apartment." I look askance but he just threw a very irritated look.

"Just shut it Gale! Okay." he said angrily while holding the steering wheel.

I feel like crying and I want to give it all out. He is a conceited-barbaric-Adonis I've ever meet, I hate him for shouting me. This is so sad seeing the light behind Oh, where is this bastard taking me.

I fell in love with the Brooklyn bridge and its neighborhood, I don't feel alienated by it beauty, then now I'm not up for any tour I'm tired, cold and dirty. I glower at him but I wanna cry.

"We'll buy something to eat, maybe some Chinese food to take out." He is a total bipolar. Lately he was this grumpy and now he is this cute handsome playboy. Argh!

Stopping by a Chinese Restaurant called 'Fortune house' he stare at me and it is making me squirm with anxiety and now what?

"I'll be back just wait." He gave his final smirk and was out the door.

Of course I'll stay not because you want me to but because I don't know where's my way home and second I'm hungry. I pout and waited it takes twenty minutes before he came out the door with food of course. I lock the door and he was so mad when he can't open it, I bit my lower lip to stop smiling. Serves you right! I'm human, I ALSO GET HURT and well I got conscience, he must be thankful I open it for him.

"Gale." Ooh, that sounds scary.

"I thought you brought the keys." I shrug but he eyed me so hard that I want to hide.

"You know I left the keys on the ignition." He sounds cross by now.

"Sorry." -_-?????

"You're making me so mad Gale."

He put the food at the back seat and starts the engine. I keep my eye on the road and shut my mouth, one false move and this beast beside me might pounce me. The road we trek get darker and darker that only the car's light is on the road. I tried my best not to panic but here I go again stopping myself from crying. Trees are everywhere and lamppost are dim lighted. I want to cry and really hard like I just want the tears to drown me to death. I cover my face with my both hands and sniff.

"Baby hush, I'm right beside you. Okay." He gently caress my back, up and down then I melted.

"You scared me a lot." There I go crying over nonsense thing. I'm such a crybaby. Then the car stop.

"Hey we're here."

I look around this isn't his house where I do my cleaning. My eyes widen is he going to murder me or raped me? I rather take the latter. He suddenly lean forward and unbuckle my seat belt I didn't notice I'm not breathing his face is so close that I feel his rasp breath in my collarbones that electrify my whole body. I knew I'm blushing good thing it is already dark.

"There you go." After letting me go, I release the air that was stuck in my lungs.

Tucking the loose strand of my hair I reach the door but too late Toby already open it for me. Wow chivalry. Stepping out of the car, I was amused of the little bungalow house. where are we? He guided the small of my back like now he is heating me up. He lock the car and summoned me to walk forward, I stopped by the mahogany door with a cute wind chime, I smiled.

"What is amusing huh." He fish the key inside his pocket and hand me the food.

I studied the place it has a small garden by side, he unlocked the door and turning on the light and as it flooded the whole room my jaw almost drop.

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