I'm Happy Yet Sleepy At The Same Time

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A very creative title I made, huh? 😏 Anyways guys I am beyond happy today because one: my family was invited to two birthday parties in a row, second: There was a lot of food, and third: I CAME IN PRESENCE WITH A FANBOY IN REAL LIFE!!!!!!

Okay okay, before some of you guys start shipping. He is my old friend and we're just friends alright! I am older than him just so you know, but this boy is still an annoying bastard he is.

He watches many anime and reads lots of mangas too! My sister and I were so excited to be in a presence of a real life fanboy. You know it's really hard to see fanboys these days, so I just got all excited! And throughout the party we just chatted like old friends.

He even told me to watch this anime movie! I just wanted to give him a hug, but that would ruin my whole big pride and ego thing. Anyways he watches random animes, but mostly hentai. This guy is an extreme pervert, swears a lot! Even when he is in public, in front of poor innocent kids, and in front of adults!!

But he is only a pervert when watching anime though. So yeah the is why I'm so happy because I met a real life fanboy!! It's just that sure there are some in the virtual world, but I am extremely shocked to find my old annoying sociable friend turned into a extreme fanboy!

So if you're wondering why I'm so sleepy today well........ We arrived from the extreme party in 10 something PM. So yeah we practically almost partied till dawn! Not only that but me and my sister were watching anime until 2 something AM.

So basically... I'M SO MESSED UP!! 😂😂😂😂 Also for those who are curious about the movie he told me to watch, it's about a girl who doesn't hear and she gets bullied by this guy. So it's all those cliche fanfiction movie where the guy starts to fall in love with her. Yeah blah blah blah it's beautiful and blah blah blah I'm so tired and blah blah blah I should stop now. The title of the movie is 'Silent Voice'

My friend has a weird thing for girls with pink hair, so wait when I show him a guy with pink hair! It's gonna be hilarious!!! 😂😂😂

H-hey g-guys is it me or am I paranoid? I think there's something behind me!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait! Never mind it was just a stupid lizard. That's what it gets! I just kicked the thing out! Or possibly squished...... 😨

Anyways guys laterz!!! I'll post books if I can!!! Sayonara!!

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