Win vs. Loss

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This is dedicated to a very reliable and awesome friend of mine. She lost this competition that she really wanted to go to, and she is feeling very down right now. And the sad thing is that this is her last year in this competition, so I need all your happy comments to go under my dear friend. 

Anyways I just wanted to say that winning and losing actually don't mean anything, and that they are basically the same thing. She lost by this other girl in my class, who is also very dedicated to the competition, and my friend cried when she lost. But in my eyes, it felt like she won rather than losing. 

No, I'm not saying this just because she's my friend but because I'm a person who is very very very observant. Anyways, it felt like she won because she tried her best, overcome her fears, and managed to do it front a crowd. I say that is true victory in both physical and mental way. 

Winning is when you feel the immense sensation of happiness, joy, delight, and warmth that you cry tears of joy. But somehow you can always feel that guilt rushing in, that you try very hard to conceal. That guilt comes from yourself and it's because you feel very guilty for the other competitors for losing. 

Losing is when you feel the immense sensation of sadness, depression, disgust, anger, and the cold rush of your tears of loss. But somehow you can always feel that happiness rushing in, that you try hard to show through the tears you are shedding. That happiness comes from yourself and it's because you feel happiness that the person won fair and square and that they won. In the end, the happiness is just being covered by those tears of sadness. 

Either way, viewing from at both angles you can feel both happiness and guilt when winning, and you can feel both sadness and happiness when losing. Some people may not agree, because they either can't admit it or they have their own reasons. This is just my observations, so I don't want any flames. 

Anyways, I'm so happy dear friend that you went that far and that you made many sacrifices to do it. That's what is awesome about you, you cried yet you knew it was fair. You didn't said a bad thing, because you knew it wouldn't get you nowhere. You were positive because you knew being negative won't solve anything. 

So all in all I am so proud to be both your friend and proud that you did great in the competition! Even though there won't be another time, train your children and make them win your goals. That is if you wanted to. So anyways I am happy and proud for you!! <3 

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