Bad Day

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Hi guys. . . I'm sorry guys but this chapter will be about my horrible day and you don't have to read it if you want to. This will kinda be sad (for me) so yeah, and I just wanted to put my feelings and how my day went into words so I can let it all out. So I'm going to apologize if it is very long, and I bet people won't read this. But that doesn't care to me since I just wanted to put this into words. Anyways let's start of with my day. . .

It was exactly 11:50 AM and Lunch had started 5 minutes ago but I had bought myself a sandwhich so that's why. And a little known fact is that I'm in this society in my school and we had a meeting, but only the society members in my grade.

So when me and my friend who I'll call Ri went to our meeting and waited for the other grade levels to leave the area after their small practice. So when they were all done all the members except for two came, and we had started.

But the thing is that the one who called us was not out President but the other society's president. And I'm going to call this annoying person Aito, since that is her nickname though I don't know if I spelled it right. But here's a catch, Aito always and I mean ALWAYS scolds my society for everything! And apparently she is a perfectionists, and keeps on getting mad at us since she wants everything her way.

Yes, I know she sounds like some b**chy person, and I am very sorry for my language. I am in a very stressed mood so please bare with me. Anyways when we had started the meeting, she asked us why we are here and we had no idea.

This other friend of mine (well idk anymore) who'll I name as Jia asked her if it had to do with the induction of the new members and us messing up, though the inductees messed up more than us.

And Aito said it wasn't that and that we make mistakes so it was okay, and I felt myslef let a sigh of relief. But what she had say next made my blood boil so so much. She starts ranting us that we are not doing our job and that we dump all our stuffs to the other members who are younger than us. I was pissed off as h*ll man, but since I am very good at hiding my emotions I had a stoic face.

So when she starts telling us that when we weren't there at the morning to do our duties, she had to tell the new members to do it for us. And you know what's next she starts telling us that we barely do our work and you know what she says next!!

SHE SAID THAT WE WERE GIVING THE F*CKING SCHOOL SOME F*CKING BAD NAME!!! I legit wanted to strangle and yell at her, but that'll be rude since she is the eldest daughter of our principle.

Okay, then she asked my President who is serving for some stupid Wayland meeting or whatever. And when she had said who were the people, Aito asked it was just my grade level and my Pres. said yeah.

Aito then says that if she were to pick she woud pick the other people in the grade below us, since we don't apparantly hold the 'standards' or some other cr*p. Then Aito asked if any of us are below the GPA we have to be, and Ri raised her hand since she is.

Aito tells us that the academics don't matter it's our standards or whatever. And you know what I was confused as fudge! first I was told that acdemics are everything and next you're telling me that it isn't and it's the standards or what.

She then starts comparing us to her society and the other members in the other level. I swear she has a BIG GRUDGE AGAINST OUR SOCIETY!!!!! I just know it and then she tells some stupid story!

That this person that I don't even care mentioning has a daughter and said that she wants to be in the society Aito is in. Aito asked the person that the daughter doesn't wnat to be in our society, and the person said yeah.

Aito then says that MY GROUP OF SOCIETY MEMBERS AND I AM TALKING MY GRADE LEVEL is the reason why people don't look up to us or want to be in our society and mostly giving the school a bad name.

Now let me rant on those three. First off, I don't care if people look up to us since come on people especially you AITO! Open your fr*ckin' small eyes, this is a corrupted world that is in chaos! Is there really a person who will FOREVER look up to MY GROUP OF SOCIETY!

Secondly, I don't give a f*cking d*mn if some stupid idot will join my society. Since apparantly we are a bad example and don't do our 'standards'. So yeah I don't give a d8mn care!

And lastly, oh this is my favorite! Give the school a bad name?! Are you serious give the school a bad name?!? Pfft! Just so you know why would we do that since this is our school, and besides people already hate my school. my school already has a bad name so why worsen the fire huh?!

I also want to rant about why we always aren't there doing our duties. Well, Aito you perfectionist annoying stupid b*tch in my grade level we have to work extra hard! And you have no idea how hard it is to do all this since we are practically pressured to do so! And we barely have time to do so, deu to my school being SSSOOOOOO prestigous!!

NOw if you are reading this Aito, which isn't even gonna happen, I hope you understand I'm getting at.

Also guys because of us doing such a bad job! WE AREN'T GETTING A F*CKING RECESS AND LUCNH SINCE WE WILL BE PICKING UP SOME SH*TTY TRASH THAT THE STUPID IN SCHOOL WON'T PICK UP! I mean so you care about the school's name thatn our health?!? I was like legit mad and wanted to do something that would break all the laws around the world.

Oh wait there's more, just because we are in this society doesn't mean we have to pick up EVERY SINGLE F*CKING TRASH!! And then you dump it on us when you yourself made that trash! And every Thrusday we have mass (yes I am in a Christian school) the announcer would always mention my society and telling us about our job or some other sh*tty cr*p that I don't care.

Because of that I will always roll my eyes anad rant with my friends since they are also in the society too. We get so annoyed that all the blame is always on OUR SOCIETY INSTEAD OF PUTTING THE BLAME INTO SOME OTHER PEOPLE WHO TRULY DID IT!!!!

I am pissed off as h*ll and I sure will murdeer someone in my sleep if I don't calm down. I HATE IT when people whould put the blame on us, compare us, make fun of us, put pressure on us, and many more bad thing that I don't wnat to mention since UGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I guess that's all and I'm not THAT pissed since I'm listening to a song that is making me feel better. Anyways bye guys see you later.

Curious the song si sung by Team Petshop (96Neko, Tenchou, and Kogeinu) and it is 'Kami no Mani Mani' or in English 'As the gods say'. And yes it is Japanese so deal with it! 

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