Yo I Back

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When I see that I got tagged and stuffs I would immediately read it cuz I like stalking people. Wait no... Don't misundetstand!! It's just a hobby I do when in bored— and I see that I made it worse...

But anyways I got tagged and decided to do it immediately cuz I have nothing else to do. So thank you for tagging me and thank you for even noticing that I exist (。;_;。) Aquaria432

1) Name?

Wait hold on let me think this through.... Why do you care??? (—__—)

Nahh I only jokes but I can say my nickNAME and it's Lisa. Yeah but Lisa or Lis it's all up to you however you wanna use it I don't care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2) Relationship status?

So far I know there are the taken status, the single status, and the crazy weeb forever alone status. Yes a status like that exists and you can guess that I am that...

It's a definite I would be like this forever but a potato like me shall not give up on trying to find my one true soul— Oh look at this hottie!! 😍💗

It's a definite I would be like this forever but a potato like me shall not give up on trying to find my one true soul— Oh look at this hottie!! 😍💗

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3) Height?


So you may all know that I am quite oversensitive when it comes to my height. Don't blame me if I kill you for mocking me and my height. Cause I swear to lordtato that I will turn Edward Eric or Taiga on you 😑

I may be super short but I assure you that I am a TEENAGER!!! I AM NOT A GRADE SCHOOLER!!! 😡

4) Birthday?

Oh wow... Oh my... S-Senpai I think we should t-take things slow... >\\<

M-My birthday seems too much information... Why don't I tell you my address instead?


Oh gosh that was a good joke! But meh b-day is February 1! Now since I told you guys my b-day I expect a gift in return!

I'm kidding I don't expect one ^^ But just be warned that we had already contracted to the law of equivalent exchange so by ARTICLE ** PAGE ** CHAPTER ** PARAGRAPH * IN LINE ** STATES 'THAT ONE MUST GIVE SOMETHING IN RETURN WHEN BOUNDED BY THE LAW OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE'!!

Okay I fine now, I don't know but I'm in a good mood that I feel like making jokes now... Don't worry I'll get over it 😐

5) Best girl friend and best guy friend?

Girl friend:

Me, myself, and I or simply saying whenever I look at the mirror. I don't need friends when I have myself!! *flips short hair*

I'm just kidding (partially) but I don't really have a best girl friend well I did have one but I'm still wondering if we still best friends or not. But I consider all my friends best friends so yeah.

(Guys I was about to go all inspirational but I gave up on typing it 😂)

Best guy friend:


I had two best guy friends years ago but clearly not anymore. They were actually great friends and I really did care for them so much. I miss our friendship, I miss our conversations, I miss our fun times together, and I miss them. I want to turn back time and relive those fun memories again with them but you know reality is so cruel... They were such great friends... Such great boys that could be used for cosplaying....

*sigh* Did I ruin the mood? Lolololololololololol 😂

But yeah I HAD two best guy friends but not anymore. Also if I'm being honest with myself, I wish I do have a best guy friend right now.

6) Last song you listened to?

'Always with me' from Spirited Away. Didn't exactly listened to the song but more like sang it to myself so that basically counts as listening to a song....?

Yeah even I got confused in that part 😂

But I recommend listening to that song as a lullaby or comfort music or whenever you feel like being a masochist to yourself and cry tears of sorrow because you know the true meaning behind it. 😄

7) Last time you laughed?

7 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds wait no 21 22 23 24....

Lolz just kidding XD But that last time I laughed was when....

I look at the mirror and see that I am a mistake to the world....

Too dark? Okay okay ima be serious but last time I laughed was when I was reading a manga so yeah boring answer but still the truth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tag 8 people:

I'm just tagging my friends and other random people


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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