Chapter One: Broken Spirits....

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Today was a typical day for me where Ayato barged into my room and what did I get? A bite mark on the neck, great. Just. Great.

I was sitting in the car next to Ayato where everybody is doing their usual things where I just sat there thinking about how miserable life is and how much of a pathetic person I am today.

"Oi Pancake!"

I then got irritated when Ayato called me with that annoying nickname, I turned to him with a stoic face.

(Wow imagine if she does that in the anime^ 😂)


I rudely responded.

"You know what, I'm-"

"You just suck my blood JUST few minutes ago and you want it now?"

I asked him coldly.

"Oh stop complaining, it was only a bite mark!"

Ayato rudely quips.

"Whatever Oreo sama."

I retort his threats and turned my head away from him.

"It's oresama, not Oreo sama!"

He snarls as I sighed in annoyance.

"Okay tomato sama. Happy now?"

I rudely retort and rolled my eyes at him causing him to twitched his brow in irritation.

"You are really annoying right now, read my lips. It's ORE-SAMA."

He pronounced it with a demanding tone, but one again I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous nickname that he always bragging about.

"Whatever you say BAKA-SAMA."

I smirked slyly at him purposely misspelling his name wrong causing Laito and Kanato started laughing at my nickname for him which causes Ayato to lose his shit.

"Why you little-"

"Ayato, please restrain your deplorable behavior, it is impolite to have that kind of attitude."

Reiji demanded with a strict frown at him.

"Shut up and piss off already!"

Ayato hissed at him with shooting a glare at Reiji.


"What was that?!"

Ayato threatens the white haired albino boy, but Subaru looks away in annoyance.

"Now, Now Ayato, there's no need to be violent in the car, so take it down a notch Ayato kun."

Laito persuaded him.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Ayato growled at him retorting while Ayato and Laito are bickering, Kanato turned to me with an innocent look.

"Geez Yui, since when did you became less pathetic all of the sudden?"

Kanato asked curiously.

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