Chapter Twenty Nine: Oh No....

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Yui's POV:
While in the cafe, my friends and I were chatting about Christmas and our days went where we can smell the delicious scent of baked goods and the bitter yet sweet aroma from the coffee maker.

I'm pretty glad that Yurina and Rika invite me over since the cafe is great for a hangout or relaxing from school or work. Hell even Yurina is drooling over the baked goods they have.

"Omg this chocolate cake is delicious!!"

She gushed as she chows down the chocolate cake that she orders.

"Hehe you sure love sweets don't you?"

I giggled at her where she nods with a cute smile.

"Absolutely! I'm much of a sweet tooth but I'm also a huge sucker when it comes to chocolate!"

Yurina stated with a cheery grin as she continues devouring the cake as Rika rolled her eyes with a slight grin and turned to me.

"So how was your Christmas Day Yui?"

She asked curiously.

"It was great, we did a lot of decorations, have some food, and we have a great time."

I stated with a grin as Rika raised her brow with a smirk.

"Did ya? Ya sure you didn't kissed them under the mistletoe?"

She slyly asked as I got flustered by the bold question and turned red.

"What?! N-No! There's no mistletoe involved! We're just having a family like fun! That's all!"

I stuttered with a red blush brushing off her playful remarks as Rika laughed at my reaction.

"Hahaha I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Just pulling your leg, but that's good to hear."

She grinned at me as I grinned back until something unexpectedly happened...


Suddenly I flinched as shivers went down to my spine when I recognized that hostile growl from anywhere. My friends and I spun out heads to see the white haired albino boy with red eyes that I knew and feared.


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