Chapter Seventeen: I'm Home....

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Yui's POV:
While the Sinclair triplets are battling the Sakamaki triplets, Roy, Shay, and Soren hide me under the basement. At first I thought it was going to be dark and dusty, but turns out to be clean and holy shit that's a huge basement!

 At first I thought it was going to be dark and dusty, but turns out to be clean and holy shit that's a huge basement!

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***The Sinclair Basement^***

However I can't ignore the thought of the Sinclair triplets as I'm worried about them with the Sakamaki triplets.

I wonder how their doing up there?....

I thought anxiously as I quivered in fear, but Soren is able to read my mind and gently pats my shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be fine."

He assured me but I felt unsure about that as I'm still worried about the Sinclair triplets.

"But...what if they don't defeat them? I can't let them do that, they'll be killed for sure!"

I quaked where I don't want them to get hurt, but Soren grabs both of my hands and gazed at me with tender light brown eyes.

"They will, I promise you they will protect you and if they come to us, we'll take care of them."

Soren calmly assured me with his soothing benevolent voice as I find myself smiling at him and nod.

"A-Alright then...."

Just then Shay came up to me and put headphones on my head with soothing classical music being played.

"Here, this will eased your mind."

He calmly stated with a kind smile as I smiled and nod with a grin as I'm finding myself relaxed and calm by the lovely music.

"Thanks Shay...."

I grinned as I find myself sleepy, Soren wrapped an arm around my waist with a soft smile.

Soren's POV:
She is soon falls asleep into my arms, I read her thoughts she wonders about Lance and the others.

I hope they're okay, please be okay, and I want you to beat those bastards and come back to me unharmed.

She mentally begged as I read her mind, I emphasized her plead and gently stroked her blonde hair.

Just then, Roy came to us with his arms crossed.

"So Roy do you have a strategy for us just in case they came here?"

Shay asked curiously as he tilts his head contemplating for our next plan.

"We'll wait until they find us, if Lance and the others are on their breaking point, then all of us we'll have to face them together."

Roy suggested as I stood up from the couch and gently pushed Yui aside.

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