Chapter Twenty Seven: Christoph's Vow

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Yui's POV:
As time goes by during the afternoon, Christoph arrived in our mansion where he told the Sinclairs to train just in case the Sakamakis attacked us again. Ugh I remember the last time the triplets attacked us and it was not pretty picture.

However for me, I'm actually fine with it so I decided to make lunch for them while Christoph is training the boys.

While in the kitchen I spun my head back and forth with a curious grin where I couldn't figure out which food should I make for them.

"Hmmm...what should I make for them? Pizza? Cold sandwiches? Chicken and rice?"

I asked myself as I tilt my head curiously wondering what should I make until I heard a voice in the kitchen.

"Anything good Miss Komori?"

I spun around to see Christoph in the kitchen with a kind and polite smile.

"Oh hi Christoph, I was just thinking about which food should made for all of you."

I politely stated with Christoph grinning kindly at me.

"Why thank you for your kindness, I appreciate the generosity that you've given us."

He thanked him politely.

"Thanks, I thought would be great if I could wrap up a nice treat for them after hard work of training."

I grinned kindly as he grins back. From what I seen, it's pretty obvious that he's the reliable and caring leader. How I would described him is he's a "nicer version of Karlheinz" due to his pure hearted nature. Heh no wonder why the Sinclairs called him a father figure. He's such a kind man.

"Of course, that would be delightful."

"Mhm so how was work today?"

I asked curiously as Christoph's face became serious and walked towards me.

"Well...there's one thing that I found this morning..."

Christoph pulled out a frilly red hair band from his pocket where I recognized that hair band before.

"That belong to-"

"Yes, this was once belonged to my sister."

He calmly stated where I became curious about the red hair band.

" did you find it?"

I asked curiously.

"I found it on the grind while I was searching for the last remaining from my last battle with Karlheinz."

He explained as I widen my eyes in surprised.

"You fought Karlheinz before?"

I asked curiously.

"Yes but that was before you moved into the Sakamaki mansion."

He solemnly explained as I gripped my hands full f shock and I yearn to learn more about their backstory.

"So...I know this might sound personal but....what was your relationship like with your family?"

I asked curiously as I noticed his hand gripping on the edge of the counter with grimace look.

"Well things weren't always this bad between us...we use to have a great relationship as kids, but....."

He then gazed at me with red eyes that glimmer in emotional pain.

"...We soon grow apart as we grow up. How should I say this?...Ummm....lets just say that our family has become....dysfunctional....."

He stuttered with a hint of pain but at the same time resentment. I couldn't believe what I'm hearing, he and Karlheinz were once close cousins, but it became strained for some reason, but I think knew why.

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