Chapter 4 Little Creature

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  In the dead of night, a young couple was walking down the street in New York, they were holding hands, and both were laughing and smiling until the man stopped and looked down the alleyway.

"What's wrong, sweetie," asked the woman.

"I thought I saw something," said the man, slowly walking down the alley with the woman behind him. 

As they walked down, they both saw something in the shadows. They saw glowing eyes before them; the couple slowly backed up as the creature got closer. The couple saw sharp front teeth and black and white spikes coming out of the fur; it had four claws on each of its limbs, and its tail looked like a spiked baseball bat, ready to strike down anyone who came anywhere near it. When the creature showed the couple its teeth, they ran out of the alleyway. They were screaming monsters at the top of their lungs.

It has been a few days since Soros became a gargoyle; for those days, Amber just has been a shell of herself. She saw her friend become a gargoyle and hurt Goliath and the others. Her mind was so clouded that she still did not ask, 'How did I beat a gargoyle in a fight and punch Demona in the face with so much force?!' The clan questioned this many times, and all Amber could remember was that flash and the pain she felt afterward. That is all she can remember from that night. 

She has been through so much, yet she is trying to get her sense back to find and help the people who mean so much to her. Lexington, Broadway, and Brooklyn have been trying to cheer her up. They tried everything they knew she liked but to no avail. As Lexington and Brooklyn were in the kitchen area, Amber was lying on the couch, not saying a word as Hudson watched TV in his chair. Bronx was lying on the rug in front of the sofa, looking up at Amber.

Amber turned while lying down and saw the blue gargoyle beast staring at her. 

"I know Bronx...... you are worried about me." Amber pets Bronx's head.

Hudson saw this. At least she is talking again through the old Gargoyle. As this was happening, Goliath and Broadway landed on the balcony.

"We're back," Said Broadway 

Lexington and Brooklyn come out of the Kitchen area. They walk over to Goliath and Broadway; Hudson gets out of his chair and walks over to them.

"Nothing?" Asked Lexington

"Not a trace of them," said Goliath. "It's like they disappeared."

"I'm sorry, Goliath...I can't remember what I did," said Amber. She was standing up behind the group of gargoyles. She had finally gotten off the couch! Ever since that night, she lived on the sofa; seeing her up and walking around was nice. The group of gargoyles was happy that she was up from her gloomy state, even if it was just a little bit.

Goliath walked over to Amber past the other gargoyles and put a claw on her shoulder. 

"We understand, Amber; we will find out what happened sooner or later. Don't push yourself," said Goliath to the young teenager.

"Thanks, Goliath," said Amber with a small smile that grew on her face.

The group hears someone enter the clock tower. It was Elisa, and she looked like she had some news for the gargoyles.

"Elisa, is there something going on?" asked Lexington.

"There is; I just got the info that a young couple spotted a creature that some resembles Bronx," said Elisa

"Wait, a gargoyle beast is running around Manhattan?!" asked Amber

"Yes, the young couple said they saw it on Thirty First street," said Elisa. She began to tell the gargoyles about the details she got from the couple. 

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