Chapter 5 Control Broken

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It was nighttime, and the docks area was not much for activity at this time, in a warehouse that David Xanatos owned. He had crates and boxes full of unique items; who knows what kind of things he had in this warehouse? In the back of the warehouse was a big container that had just arrived from Paris, France. The crate was moving, and there was something inside the container. In one force punch, the box was bashed open from the inside. Out came a gargoyle!

A blue gargoyle with purplish-blue hair and dark blue-purple horns. She looked around the warehouse for a minute or two until she broke through one of the walls. She flies off into the sky. Around the same time as this gargoyle escaped from the Xanatos warehouse. Soros was flying through the sky. He was still under the control of Demona. Every time a single thought about Amber, the collar around his neck, shocks him. It's a way for Demona to ensure Soros stays under her control.

Of course, it hurt him badly, yet his mind was not caring since Demona had a hold of it. Soros was flying through the night sky above the city. He was trying to find the gargoyle beast, aka "Nevermore." Demona has plans with that gargoyle, and she needs it. So, of course, she sends him to find her. He lands on a nearby rooftop. He took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket.

"Demona, I have not located the experiment yet," said Soros on the walkie-talkie. Demona's voice came out of it.

"Fine then, regroup at the base. I got a better idea to get that beast," snarled Demona.

"On my way, Demona," said Soros as he put the walkie-talkie away in his pocket. He looks at the night sky for a moment or two until the caller shocks him again. Soros huffs a little after the shock finally ends.

"I need to get back to Demona," he said.

Before he could take off, something hit him in the back of the head; he fell to the ground and blackout. The same blue gargoyle girl that escaped Xanatos warehouse was behind Soros with a giant piece of the concert in her claws. She put down the show and looked at Soros and then saw the collar around his neck......she got a closer look at it.

As Soros was slowly opening his eyes, everything was a big blur. He saw some figure standing over him. as his eyes closed and opened again, he saw the blur fly away from him. He slowly sits up, rubbing the area that was hit, he looks around to find that figure, but he is alone. As he slowly stood up, Demona's voice came from the walkie-talkie again.....she did not sound happy.

"Soros!! Where are you!!?? It would help if you had been back by now!!" yelled Demona

Soros takes out the walkie-talkie. He looked at it...his expression was not his blank stare but anger and rage.

"I'm on my way Demona," he said in a dark tone.

"You better be!!!" yelled Demona again.

As he put the walkie-talkie back in his pocket, he looked at the city.......he whispered.

"...Amber".....there was no shock from the collar.


Meanwhile, at the clock tower.

Amber was looking for Nevermore; it seems this gargoyle likes to play games. Amber was looking behind the couch, the kitchen, bed, and balcony—still no Nevermore.

"Nevermore comes on out, sweetie, you win...again" as Amber said that, she turned to see Nevermore sitting behind her with her tail wagging. Amber giggled and walked over to the small gargoyle.

" How do you always win at this game?" Asked Amber.

Nevermore jumped into Amber's arms and licked her in the face. As Amber was laughing, she and Nevermore heard some thuds land on the balcony; she turned to see the gargoyles return from a night of looking for Demona and Soros. Nevermore jumped out of Amber's arms, and she ran to Bronx and began to jump up and down around the blue gargoyle beast. Nevermore liked Bronx a lot, like a significant brother-little sister relationship.
Amber smiled at this before looking at Goliath.

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