Chapter 7 Finally Free

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The clock tower was quiet. The TV was not on, nothing was cooking in the kitchen, not even some puppy parking from Nevermore. The only sound that can be heard was the sound of the city outside. Why was it so quiet? Amber. That is the answer. Ever since the scroll and book came to the tower she has been reading them nonstop. Her little area looked like a hurricane came by, papers with notes some of her books were all scattered across the floor.

Amber was sitting on the floor in a crisscross position with the scroll in her lap stretched out till it was almost out of the roll. Nevermore and Bronx were laying near her as she reads the scroll looking back and through between that and the notes she writes down. Amber has not stopped this readying session since she got it. It is like she is studying for an exam. The story of the wizard becoming the first Gargoyle Protector sparked her interest.

I mean can't you blame her she just unleashed a new power and this time she remembers what it felt like, the power surging through her. It was like the jewel around her neck is making her more able to handle this ability she gained. Yet this power makes Amber wonder....why is this jewel allowing her to gain this power. Is something going to something bad going to happen to her? She needed to learn more about this. She wishes she could look to her father or even...her mother.......yet that is impossible not anymore.

Amber stops her reading, rubbing her face with a sigh. She falls back and stretches out her legs and arms on the floor looking up at the ceiling of the clock tower. Bronx and Nevermore look to Amber with some worried looks in their eyes. Amber looked and saw them, she sits back up rubbing her neck.

"I'm sorry you two *sighs* this is not helping my case is it?" she questions the two beast

Bronx and Nevermore gave a few barks and growls, Amber just gave a small smile to them.

"Yeah I know...*rubs her back* and me sitting like this on the floor for hours is not helping either." said the teen as she stands up with a stretch.

"Come on, let's get a snack you two," said Amber with a smile as she walks over to the kitchen.

Bronx and Nevermore get up and run into the kitchen area excited. They may be gargoyle beasts, yet they listen to Amber. A sort of way for you to vent to herself and yet to have someone listen to her. The two beasts understand that she is going through so much lately so they allow her to vent.

As Amber was fixing the beast's plates there were three loud thuds on the balcony. Amber looks to see Lexington, Broadway, and Brooklyn. The teen smiled at the 3 gargoyles that walked into the clock tower.

"Hey guys, you are just in time for some night breakfast," Said Amber with a smile

"Great! I am starving" shouted Broadway

"You are always starving," said Lexington as he pokes Broadway's belly a few times.

"Jalapeña Amber... your little area is a-"

"Yes, yes I know Brooklyn. It looks like a tornado happened" smirked at Brooklyn as she puts the plates down on the floor as Bronx and Nevermore began to eat.

"I guess the scroll and book are making your mind a bit chaotic?" question Lexington as he picks up an old piece of Pizza that looks like some mold is growing on it.

Amber grabs the pizza slice Lexington on holding and threw it in a big black garbage bag, She soon started to pick up what she knew was trash.

"I know, I know. I have been so focused on the scroll and the book I have not really taken very good care of myself for the last few days." said the teen as she continues to clean her area.

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