Chapter 9 Kingdom

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(This chapter was based off the Gargoyles episode Kingdom, with my own little twists in this chapter and I hope you like it just as much as I do. As a bonus, I attached the episode this chapter so you can watch it for yourself. Plus I wanted to say sorry for not updating sooner I have been busy with my own projects, aka other story's and my art plus real life. I am hoping to get a few more chapters in this year before it ends.
Thank you for being patience~♡ )

There gone. Just gone. Like they just disappeared for no reason. When Amber and guys got back to the tower after the whole Sophia and Zaphara brawl. They were expecting Goliath and Bronx to be back. No. There was only Hudson there still waiting for them to return. They waited and waited and waited but still no sign. It has been about 2 weeks and they are still not back, and plus Elisa has not shown up in the tower at all. They were getting very worried.

At the tower, Hudson and Amber were on the balcony waiting for the others to get back and hopefully tell them some good news. Nevermore was back the clock tower just laying on Bronx is sleeping spot. She misses Bronx, he was like a big brother to her. As for Amber, who was pacing back and forth while Hudson was looking over the balcony. Hudson looked and saw two familiar gargoyles. It was Brooklyn and Lexington. Both of them land on the balcony as Hudson and Amber walk towards them.

"Any luck lads?" question Hudson

"Not a trace of them," said Lexington shaking his head as Brooklyn hit down on the balcony railing.

"I've been up the east side and down the west, no sign of Bronx or Goliath," said Brooklyn

"Ok this is crazy, why would Goliath and Bronx disappear like this?" question Amber crossing her arms thinking her brains out as she looks to the ground and looks up again at the gargoyles.

"It's not like Goliath to disappear for nights with no word," added Hudson.

"Guys!" said a voice. The group looks to see Broadway flying in holding Elisa's cat, Cagney.

"I was just at Elisa place her mail has been piling up, it looks like poor Cagney hasn't eaten for days," said Broadway as he pets Cagney in his arm. Cagney just meows at the group.

"Do you think Elisa's with Goliath and Bronx?" asked Lexington

Hudson takes Cagney from Broadway as he begins to pet the cat.

"Good question? Here's another. What do we do now?" asked Hudson as he and the other look to Brooklyn.

You see some time before the gargoyles met Amber, Goliath pointed Brooklyn as second in command, which means if something happens to Goliath Brooklyn would lead the clan. Yet Brooklyn is not sure what to do. He looks at everyone with confusion.

"Why are you looking at me?" he questioned

"Well you are the leader aren't you beaks? I mean Goliath did choose you to run the clan if something happens to him," said Amber to the red gargoyles as she takes a few steps closer to Brooklyn.

"Ay, and disappearing without a trace qualifies as something," added Hudson to the red gargoyles still holding Cagney in his claws.

"Hey, he'll come back," Said Brooklyn as he gets off the railing "He has too."

"Yeah, or what is he doesn't," said Broadway in a scared and sad tone.

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