Chapter 10 The Friendship with share

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(I fixed up this chapter, I am in progress of the next chapter coming soon)

For the last few days, the clan has been pretty down. Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx are still missing. Brooklyn has been doing his best at being a leader. Yet, Goliath is the rightful leader of the clan not him so the guys have been keeping the city safe as best they can without him. With Soros and Sapphires help of course. Since they heard Goliath, Elisa and Bronx were missing they decided to help out at the tower. Of course, they said that they needed to do a few things before joining. Example helping out Derek and the people in The Labyrinth and find their own home away from home. Yet they put that plan on hold to help out.

Amber was the most hopeful about this. She knows they will be back and better than ever. She was usually a positive outlook in this situation hoping for some news. Which did come, There has been a sighting of them! Which the clan was finally happy about getting. The latest news was that they are in Prague Czechia on the other side of the world near Germany and Poland. It was crazy to think about how in the heck did they end up there. No new information has come up since then. Even with this great news about the whereabouts of there clan mates, Amber was quiet, depressed, and unresponsive. When Soros and Sapphire arrive to help, all they saw were the guys looking at a bundled up Amber on the couch just watching the tv.

"What is going on " Question Sapphire as she walks over to the guys.

"We're not sure she has been like this the moment we woke up," said Lexington with a bit of a worried look on his face.

" None of us can get her the snap out of it. Not even Nevermore." Said Brooklyn

Soros looks at Amber and saw that Nevermore was trying her best, heck not even Elisa's cat could do anything. Soros knew what this was. He walked past everyone and went to the depressed teen.

" That time of year again?" He asked.

Amber only nodded yes.

" You have not visited her yet today?" He asks

Amber shakes her head no.

"Want to go see her?" Soros asked again

Amber began to cry a little with a few hiccups.

"Y-yes -hiccup-" Amber said as best she could.

"Alright go on get ready, I will take you there." Said, Soros, as he watches his friend gets off the couch reading to her little area in the tower.

Soros turn to the clan who stared at him with a bit of shock.

" What was that all about lad?" Question Hudson

" I guess she didn't tell you guys huh?"

"Tell us what?" Asked Broadway.

" Today is the anniversary of.........Amber's mom died. Emily Gene." Said Soros in a quiet tone.

The gargoyles were taken back by this. Today is when Amber's mother died. To be honest Amber never really mentioned her mother to the gargoyles. They never question why is her mother not around but now they know.

"Today is when she died?" Asked Lexington.

"Yes, she has been gone for the last 2 years. I only knew her for a short while before she was-" Soros paused for a moment or two. "Before she passed"

" no wonder why the lass has been down" added Hudson

" Ever since her mother's passing, Amber and her dad always visited her grave on the anniversary of her death. And since this is the first one without Dr. Gene, Amber is more depressed than ever. She needs someone there with her. She can't go to her mother's grave alone." Soros said in a calm voice calmer than his usual.

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