Chapter 12 Pendragon

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Pendragon is based on the Episode Pendragon from the show. I added the episode so you all can watch it for yours. I hope you all enjoy this chapter of my story. Real life has been kicking me in my ass for the last two years, so I am expecting to try to finish this story FINALLY. Thank you all for waiting.

A storm was forming in New York. The winds were strong; the clouds were so black you could not see the stars or the moon. You could hear the rumble of thunder but no light or rain in a castle in a remote area of Manhatten, two goons. A man and woman were packing up supplies in a jet. One of them looks out of the cargo hold and sees the storm getting rougher by the minute.

"I still don't see why we have to go out in this storm; it gives me goosebumps," he says while he hands the woman more supplies for their upcoming task.

"You're feeling the power of Harmonic Convulsions," a man with a Scottish accent replied to the worried goon.

There stood Macbeth, former King of Scotland.

It was long ago after Goliath and the others were slumped in stone. Demona and Macbeth became allies; together, they grew and protected Scotland. They are even connected because of a magic spell placed on them by the Weird Sisters. Both have lived over a thousand years thanks to the spell, yet there is a catch. If one dies, both will die. Demona betrayed him, so he is seeking revenge.

"Magical forces are gathering in the city to open a door through time and space," Macbeth continued.

"Well, it's weird. I keep feeling like something is coming," said the female goon.

"Something is coming, powerful, and I will have it come for me!" Macbeth said just as Lighting shined in the sky.


Over at the clock tower, the clan and Amber were looking out at the sky, seeing the storm was getting stronger.

"The weatherman didn't say anything about a storm tonight," said Lexington

"I hope everyone is safe and out of this storm," added Amber

"Even Soros?" asked Broadway.

The trio sees Amber tense up when the name 'Soros' is spoken. It has been several days since their big fight, and Amber won't see him or call in on the communicator Sapphire gave the group in case they need each other's help. This was the biggest fight the friends had. Sure, they had fought before, but this one did some damage. Both haven't spoken since.

"I hope Sapphire is alright," Amber replied, trying to ignore the question as best she could.

The trio looked at each other, worried, until their attention was turned to Hudson, who was still staring at the growing storm, maybe hoping to get his advice.

"This is no ordinary storm," Hudson began talking, causing everyone to look at him as he continued. "I Know this wind; something is coming."

As the trio and Amber looked at each other worriedly, a massive clash of Lighting struck the sky. All of them made some scared animal noises from inside the bell tower. Nevermore and Cagney were both getting nervous because of the storm. Both hid under Amber's sleeping area, trying to drown out the storm. The Gargoyles and Amber came in and saw both of them shaking.

"This is some crazy storm," said Amber as she approached the gargoyle beast and cat. It's OK. Nevermore, Cagney, it's OK, OKe teen said, petting both of them as they snuggled into her, still shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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