Chapter 6 Gargoyle Protector

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It has been several days since Amber last saw Soros, since she saw him coming out of Demona's control but not ultimately. Yet hope was there that her friend would be freed from prison. That is the best news she got EVER!!! This makes her want to find him and save him. Yet Demona and Soros disappeared again; the Gargoyles always searched the area they were last seen, but no traces were left behind; they wanted to make sure no one followed them. This is making Amber wish to pull her hair out; she is just so frustrated at this!!

She is sitting on her bed in the little area she made in the tower. Nevermore was lying next to Amber getting petted. It was almost dawn, so the gargoyles would be back any moment now. As Amber was thinking, she and Nevermore heard the loud thuds on the balcony. The guys are back.
Nevermore runs over to the gargoyles to greet them. Amber walks out to the balcony.
Broadway smiles at the teenager.

"Hey, Amber, how is our spunky little teen doing?" Said Broadway with a smile, which seemed to make the teenager laugh.

Amber snickers a little, knowing Broadway always tries to make her smile.

"I'm just fine, Broadway" She smiled.

" Are you sure, Amber? We just want to make sure" ask Goliath in a concerned tone.

" Guys I'm fine. I know now that my friend is starting to break away from them almost control soon enough he will be away from her and he will be back to his old self." Said Amber with a big smile

The gargoyles look at the teen with glee. The fire is sparking in her once again. Hudson looks at the rising sun. As soon as the light show the Gargoyles Turn to stone. All of them with a smiling faces. Amber looked down to Nevermore being in stone as well. Amber was now alone. The teen walks back into the tower. For a few hours, she got a few things done before she finally went to her bed to get some needed sleep. Yet there was one problem.....she could not sleep.

Amber did not understand. She was tired as hell, she wants so hard to get some sleep doesn't matter how long. Yet she couldn't even go to the gates of dreamland. After about an hour of tossing and turning in her bed, she was just about to drift to sleep until she got a message on her phone. She opened one eye before reaching her phone. Which Lexington fixed up as good as new plus he had some features into it. She looked and the number was unknown there was a video attached to the message. She clicked on it.

The video started seeing a man with blonde hair a black suit on and glasses. He looked to be the type of person who seemed very strict. Amber got a weird feeling about this guy.

"Miss Amber Gene, my name is Mr. Owen. Mr. Xanatos would like to have a word with you later today at 5. He believes he has something that will be a big help to you." He said in a clear calm and yet strict tone.

Amber stared at the video shocked. She has heard about Mr. Xanatos before. From the gargoyles and the news articles on TV. Why would he want to meet me she wondered.

"If you do come to the meeting.....don't tell the gargoyles...Mr. Xanatos will only tell you the news only to you." Owen says before the video ends.

Amber thought about this for a moment or two. She is a crazy teen she has proved that before....but this could be the craziest thing she may do!!! I mean going off alone, getting captured, and sneaking out!!! Yet now all of those could happen again!!! And yet......something was telling her to go...and to see what Mr. Xanatos had to say. Her hunches were always right about something, no matter what they were...

"Alright Mr. Xanatos I will play your little game," said Amber

She looked up that the clock and it was about 5:25. It will take her a bus ride for her to get to Xanatos tower. So she got up, put on her hoodie, and exit the clock tower. She knew she could be tricked so she was not going to let her grand down with this man. The only thing she did before leaving the tower sent a message to Mr. Xanatos. It only had four words. "I will be there".

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