Chapter 8 Angel in Town

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At night in Manhattan, it was unusually quiet this time of night. Which means something is about to happen. At the very top of the Empire State Building, something was happening. A small portal opens up, a female figure came out, she's wearing a cloak hoodie looking out into the city. She touches the ocean blue jewel bracelet around her wrist as it begins to shine a light. The light wraps around girl changing her form a pair of light tan feathered wings come out of her back.

"This world sure is interesting wish I can look around, but I have a job to do." said the girl as she begins to fly off into the night.

At the clock tower, It has been several days since Sapphire and Soros went off on their own. And of course, the teen known as Amber was very worried about them. She knows they can handle themselves but yet she cannot help it. They were her friends and she cared for their safety. Yet, of course, she knew they will be ok. Amber was about to head out with some flying practice with the guys. Well almost, Goliath is staying behind at the clock tower...why is he? Well waiting for Elisa of course. Bronx and Nevermore are staying behind as well. They can't fly so they won't make the best teachers.

"We will be back later Goliath," said Hudson

"Alright, be on your guard" stated Goliath to everyone.

"We will," said Lexington

Amber was petting the sleeping Nevermore who was on her bed, she may be stone during the day but yet she can't help but take some puppy naps. Amber walks to the exit of the clock tower.

"Later Goliath," said Amber with a smile.

Hudson, Lexington, Broadway, Brooklyn, and Amber began there flying. Amber may have magic to give her wings, yet it those not control the steering.

"Ok Lass you are doing great," said Hudson

"Thank Hudson," Amber said back

" You were doing some great flying while fighting Demona the other day," said Broadway who was flying under Amber.

"I'm sure that was just a fluke, sometimes I know what I am doing and sometimes I don't." said the young teen as she tries to focus. "I mean didn't you guys have a few flukes when you were learning how to fly?" asked Amber.

"I remember a few times when some young ones flew into a hay cart," said Hudson with a smile.

" Yeah...wait that was us!" Said Brooklyn

" Aye it was you three," said Hudson with a laugh.

Amber laughs. She just imagines the trio as little kids and they kept on falling into a hay cart. Just like the coyote in those old cartoons. Running onto the side of a rock wall before falling. Just replace the coyote with the Gargoyles.

" Yeah yeah laugh it up," said Brooklyn

" I'm sorry heheheh. I am sorry really hehehehe" Amber trying to hold in her laughter.

Amber and the guys land on a nearby rooftop. As the guys land as they usually do as Amber has a bit of a rough landing. At least it gave her a chance to catch her breath.

"Yeah it does seem a little more work on the landing," said Lexington.

" Told you so, I need to work on somethings," Amber said back.

Amber looked up at the night sky. It was not easy to stargaze in New York because of all the lights and pollution it was kind of hard. Yet there is a small chance to actually see a few stars at least. And with what luck there were two stars out that night. They looked so pretty like they were dancing....wait a minute.

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