Chapter 2 Who is this girl?

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  Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway landed on the balcony of the old clock tower above the police station. As the three gargoyles entered the clock tower, they saw one tall, buff, light purple gargoyle with long black hair. Next to him was another Gargoyle with bronze skin and a white beard, and he was wearing what looked like some old armor. Finally, there was what looked like a gargoyle but was more like a gargoyle dog with blue skin. Their names were Goliath, Hudson, and Bronx. 

"Finally, you got back, lads; we were getting worried." *said Hudson with a smile on his face*

"Where have you 3 been?" *said Goliath, as he walked up to the three gargoyles* 

Lexington looked at Brooklyn and Broadway before looking back at Goliath.
"We were on our way back until-"

"Until we saw this girl running away from bad men in black suits!"
Said Broadway loudly; Hudson looked at the three gargoyles confusedly.

"A girl? "questioned Hudson.

"Yes, she was running as fast as she could from them," Broadway replied.

"Did she see you three?" Asked Goliath.

"Well, um-mm, not at first." Replied Brooklyn, who was a bit nervous

Goliath looked at Brooklyn with a severe look on his face, which made Brooklyn even more nervous. Hudson saw this and spoke up.

"Explain, lad, if you please," said Hudson

"When she ran into the park, I-" Lexington cut off Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn took off as fast as he could and saved the girl from almost getting shot!"Broadway shouted. "Then more goons came, and they started shooting at him as he picked her!"

Brooklyn looked at the gargoyles behind him, and he glared until he turned to Goliath, who was waiting for what happened next. Brooklyn gulped and cleared their throat.

"Yes, the men did start shooting at the girl and me, then Broadway and Lexington came down and knocked them out," said Brooklyn

"And what of the girl?" Hudson asked.

"The only damage she got was a twitched ankle," said Broadway.

"Did she run away from you 3?' Asked Goliath.

Goliath asked with concern. Since the people don't know they are alive or can fly, talk, and walk. Few people know they are active, and most want them dead. Goliath expected Brooklyn to say. 'Yes, another human who was scared of us' Yet instead of that. Brooklyn looked at Goliath and said.

"No.... she did not scream or run away from any of us." Replied Brooklyn 

Hudson, Goliath, and even Bronx looked very surprised at this. It was hard for the Gargoyles to find friends who were humans besides Elisa Maza, a police detective who met them on the very first day they came to New York.

"She didn't?" Said Goliath with a surprised look

"No, instead, she thanked us for saving her." Replied Lexington

"The only thing she was scared about was those men and that statue." Added Broadway.

"Statue? What statue, lads?" Asked Hudson.

"Well, the statue looked like a...well, a gargoyle..." Said Lexington.

"A Gargoyle?" Questioned Goliath.

"A gargoyle with shining red eyes." Replied Lexington 

Goliath and Hudson were surprised by this, and they had never heard of a gargoyle statue with red eyes. The two gargoyles thought about this news for several minutes before Hudson spoke up.

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