Chapter 11 Broken Trust

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 Nighttime in New York City, a nice clear sky for flying. Amber and Soros, along with the trio were flying throughout the city heading to the Brooklyn Bridge. Hoping to find any sign for Goliath, Bronx, and Elisa...nothing. Yet, there has been more sighting of them. Which the clan was finally happy about getting. The latest news was that they are in Nigeria in Africa?! It was crazy to think about how in the heck did they end up there? That is the best they got out of their new info yet. It has been like this for several days, and Soros and or Sapphire kept coming by to help in their search. It started to seem hopeless yet everyone still had hoped they will be found.

Soros and Sapphire have been a big help to the clan helping any night they can. I mean from finding a home for themselves, helping the people of the labyrinth, and trying to locate any information on Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx is whereabouts. Their clawed hands were full.

The trio along with Amber and Soros was on the very top of the Brooklyn bridge looking out to the city. Enjoying the view of the bright lights. They had some food wrappers around them. Most likely Amber getting them burgers since she can just walk into the burger joint without scaring the people to death. 

"Brooklyn meets Brooklyn bridge, I know you two just met. You two have lots in common, both big, loud, and sometimes a pain in the butt," said Amber with a grin on her face. 

Soros almost snorted out the soda that he was drinking before he busted into laughter as did Broadway and Lexington as they eat their burgers. Brooklyn blushed from embracement. Amber's jokes can get annoying yet the red gargoyle won't admit he find the jokes funny at times.

"Hey, watch it, Amber," Brooklyn said

"Ok ok, I'm sorry, Mr red beak," said Amber with a giggle

Brooklyn takes his wrapper from the burger that he had and throws it at Amber hitting her in the head. She looked over and glared at Brooklyn like she was ready for a battle and to spill bloodshed. 

"You want to go red beak?!" said Amber with pride as she stares at the red gargoyle.

"You can not handle me," Brooklyn fired back with a snarling grin on his beak.

Soros, Broadway, and Lexington just sitting there laughing at the little quarrel. After the little "bloodshed battle". The five sat in a quiet moment of silence. They needed this. A moment to feel like everything was ok, even if it was for a few moments. A time to laugh and have fun. After what was left like forever (Only a minute or two) Soros spoke up.

"So......still no sign huh?" added Soros

"We just have to keep looking" Amber added back as she puts the trash into the empty bag that was once full of burgers but now full of trash.

"It's just hard to get my head wrapped around this whole disappearing thing," Soros said back

"I don't think none of us can" added Brooklyn with a bit of a sad tone

"Well we should head back to the tower," Lexington says as looking to the sky as he stands and stretches. 

"I should head back too. We are still getting that old abandoned build cleaned up* said, Soros

"I still can't believe you found a base dude," said the punky teen

"It was a lucky find," Soros said back.

The building that Soros and Sapphire find used to be an old science lab that helps with energy surges in the city. The humans moved to a different location. So no one goes there, heck they even left their old equipment behind which still works!! Some humans can be stupid by leaving their stuff around. With the tech, Sapphire can use it for herself and Soros. Maybe even help find where Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx are.

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