I Love Tequila

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"How much shit do you need Haley? You're only going to be here until thanksgiving and then you'll leave again at Christmas? You don't need four suitcases-" my sister is one of the worst packers I've ever met. Actually scratch that, all girls are the worst packers I've ever met. But four cases? Yeah sure I work out everyday, but I'm praying her dorm building has an elevator I can use to get this crap into her room. She just had to buy the brightest colours for the cases too, really showing her personality to the entire campus. Blue, pink, purple and yellow. All bright. All seen. And I've to carry them all, well, with the help of TJ.

"Pink really brings out your eyes bro" TJ punches my shoulder making me glare hard at him. I'm not in the mood for his shit as well as my sisters. Hearing her giggle up the front of the car while I stand there staring at the cases.

"Shut the fuck up. You can take the pink and purple ones. I'll take the blue and yellow." TJ rolls his eyes and slides the pink one out with the yellow one following. We arrived here last week for training sessions for the football team. Our training was brutal today, the heat is a lot when you're running around. Having Maya there was a huge distraction too. If you know what I mean. Coach picked on me hard today, my head was not focused. Not hard to figure out why, that's why coach was on my case.

"Oh I have a few boxes for you to bring up too. When you're done with the cases" Haley kisses our cheeks, I know how she's playing it. Flipping her blonde hair to one side with a cheeky smile on her face, she knows I'll give in to her. I reach up my head taking my cap off and rubbing my hand along my forehead up through my hair and sighing. Placing my cap back on I proceed to lift the cases up for her into the main building of where she'll be staying.

Two roommates. Two new friends. Not that she finds it hard to make any. She never shuts up. She's got the gift of the gab. She got that from my mom.

Reaching for the door I open it and let TJ walk in with the other two cases. Seeing and enjoying the view. Girls crowded around in the reception area to get their keys and to meet their roommates. Haley has hers so we walk past the girls eyeing them up. Seeing the flushed cheeks I smile to myself and TJ. What girl doesn't want to be with a football player? A college football player. One who has scouts at almost every game he plays. Ripped body, six pack included, dirty blonde hair and a smile that makes girls panties wet.

"Dude, some cute looking freshman this year. You see all those short skirts?" TJ asks looking back at the young girls who are staring at us. Averting their eyes away from us we high five each other to say we still got it.

Once we finally get to Haley's floor we find her standing outside the room with the door open. We push her bags through to see an empty dorm. Her roommates mustn't be here yet? TJ pushes her bag through to what we guess is the room she claimed as hers. Arm hanging dramatically in the air like what you do in bowling. Hearing a crash in the room he whips his head around to see Haley tapping her foot. The terrified look on his face makes me snort, he goes slightly red with embarrassment.

"I was meant to do that" he smiles awkwardly at her.

"Yeah well, pick it up" she sasses back at him. I kick her other two cases into the room.

"Our baby!... Babies!!" My mom burst through the open door and runs to Haley. Then to me. Then to TJ. TJ is like her fourth child. I've been best friends with him since I was three. We're neighbours and we met by fighting each other. Both coming home with bloody noses and bruises on our cheeks. Good times. My moms blonde hair whipping through the conditioned air like always. Hair done, makeup done. I wonder where Haley gets it from?

Once she's done squeezing the life out of Haley, she makes a beeline for me. I suck in a breath because she likes them long. My moms hugs are the best hugs, filled with love and nothing but. My younger sister Ellie runs through the door with my dad following behind her. Her laugh illuminates the room and she makes her way towards me with her arms stretched out. I swiftly pick her up once my mom lets up and whirl her around making that laugh last a little longer.

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