A Perfect Fit

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Leaving the house as the beat fades away from us. I can't get that kiss out of my head. The feeling of her hand rushing through my hair heightening the tingles I already felt when I moulded my lips to hers. The warmth I felt with her, a warmth I have never felt before. I dreamt about kissing her most nights.

Okay I'm lying.

Every damn night. She's the reason for my sleepless nights when I know she's upset, be it with me or something else. The itch I feel to have her lie with me gets stronger each night. The images that run through my head are sending my excitement for the next time I see her into overdrive. What the hell is happening to me? When did I become such a pussy?

She clears her throat snapping me out of it. Her hand roams up her arm almost like she's feeling awkward. Well you have been silent ever since you practically told her you'd sleep with her. I mentally punch myself to being so stupid. Talk about throwing your dick in her face Nick. I look over at her as she faces forward. In her yellow top and black jeans. She looks like a cute bumble bee. Her head whips to my gaze and I see her cheeks flame up.

"Fuck... I said that out loud didn't I?" I ask her and I watch her send me a toothy smile and a small nod. She averts her eyes back down to her feet, still smiling. Hearing her heels click along the pavement. "You do.... look like a bumble bee... and cute...I" I rub the back of my neck realising how stupid I sound. Fuck, what is it with her and making me say stupid stuff? I sound like I'm in kindergarten again.

"Thanks? I think?" She laughs at how weird that was.

Fuck me, this is not how I planned the night.

"So..." I start staring at her side profile. She stops for a moment and stares back at me. That look is doing something to me right now and I'm not sure if I like it or not?

"So..." she smiles back and I send her one of my own. We're smiling like two kids who did something bad and kept it a secret from their parents. Walking side by side we catch glances at each other and I feel my smile widen with every step we take in sync. "Let's not make it awkward.." She blurts out and immediately slaps her hand over her mouth realising that she said that. I laugh at her actions and I take her hand in mine, feeling that spark that was between us. Like a current that was flowing through her and now into me. She stares down at our hands intertwined and I smile down at her. Her hair covering her face, light waves with a bounce.

"What are you thinking?" I question her. Let me in Carter, I mentally scream at her. Her eyes search mine for something as she lifts her head. Her curtain of hair parting so I can see that pretty face.

"You have really pretty eyes" she says like she's in a daze. Blinking she widens her eyes and steps away from me cradling her head in her hands. She groans at herself while I stand there smiling at her. This girl is so cute. Her eyes peep through her hands and I realise I've done it again. I feel my cheeks heat up once more and the embarrassment sets in. Jesus, we're both at it tonight. I can't keep my thoughts inside. Neither can she.

"You think I'm cute?" She whispers to me. I feel my head nod and I watch her cheeks blush again. God, this girl! I walk towards her closing the gap between us and slam my lips back onto hers with no mercy. Her hands slide up my chest feeling her warmth. I press her body flush against my own and I slide my hands down to her waist. I kiss her heatedly and it's fucking blowing my mind. Her soft lips moving with mine and I grip her hips hard because I'm so turned on by her. It's clear by the bulge in my pants wanting liberty. Biting on her lip making her gasp I slip my tongue inside her mouth and push her up against what feels like a car and kiss the fucking life out of her. The cool metal reaching my skin and I feel myself wanting to protect her from the sudden temperature change. My body flush against hers I can't seem to stop what I'm doing. I sure as hell don't want to either.

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