Damsel In Distress

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I was walking to my first class of the semester alone listening to my music. I swing the door open to the building I'm scheduled to attend the lecture in and take my earphones out looking around at the masses of bodies walking around getting to their own classes. The air conditioner just my face hard with a cooling sensation. I tuck my earphones inside my pocket and I get a few greetings from my teammates and girls I've never even met before. Or have I?

People's sneakers squeak across the old tiled floor running from one end to another. Some girls in heels clicking on the floor gaining guys attention. I get the lust filled states from them, with their come hither eyes trying to lure me in to them. Low cut tops with bright bras peeping out and short shorts or mini skirts leaving little to the imagination. Some nerdy girls in jeans and a jumper running around with blocked folders in their hands trying to get a seat in the front rows of their classes.

Opening the door up for my class I sit near the back rows. I see Reggie already in a seat and keep walking to sit next to him. His head is down scrolling through his brightly lit phone. Hearing my approach his head snaps up to meet my face. Sending me a warm smile he lifts his hand for me to take so we can greet each other.

"Hey man! I didn't know you were in this class?" We both sit down in our seats and I place my bag on the floor.

"Yeah! I didn't think you were in this class either! Good to know I know someone else here!" Reggie is smart, so we can study together for this class when assignments and exams begin. I'm not stupid by any means, my mom drilled studying into me and Haley from a young age. My mom was a pharmacist, she she was smart too. She gave it up to look after us but did night courses and online courses to get different degrees. She has loads of them, and always tells us that we need a solid degree in whatever we chose to do. But the rule was, we had to get one.

"Yeah! Bro we can be study buddies!" He laughs taking out his notepad from his bag and I do the same. I click my pen readying myself for the class and I see tonnes of people walking through the doors. Catch a few people's eyes, mainly girls as they walk in, some sit close to me and Reggie but I pay no attention to them. Listening to Reggie scroll through his twitter feed I stare at the board hoping the lecturer will enter anytime soon. Allowing the time to tick by slowly, this will be a long class.

"Is this seat taken?" My head turns to see a busty brunette standing beside me pointing down to the seat next to me. I shake my head no allowing her to sit down with her friends. But I glance around at all of the free seats in the theatre. Typical.

"I'm Amelia" she holds out her hand for me to shake and I do, "I'm Nick" I send her a polite smile and look at her eyes. She's hot, but I'm not interested. I clench my jaw at the realisation that I thought that.

You have a busty brunette practically sitting on your damn lap grinding on you, and you're not interested?

"It's hot outside right?" I shift my eyes back to her and see her leaning in her elbow giving me an eyeful of her goods. I resist and turn to face the front once more. "Yeah, a little" I tell her trying my best to keep my thoughts locked inside my brain.

"You play football for the college right? First string quarterback?" She keeps the conversation going with me but I'm praying the class starts soon. I don't want to talk to anyone, I barely got any sleep last night my mind was racing so much. I'm tired, cranky and in dire need of a coffee.

"Yup" I pop my 'p' at the end and she's stays silent for a few moments almost thinking of something else to talk about.

"So there's a pool party on a my sorority house this weekend, you guys want to come?" She asks and it immediately catches Reggie's attention. Diverging his time between her and his phone he smiles at her with a nod. While I reply with, "I already got the invite, but thanks" she starts to scribble down something on my notebook and once she's finished I see it's her number with a winky face and her name next to it. I send her a tight smile and lean back on the uncomfortable wooden chair linked to the ones either side of me. I feel the loose screws protruding through my clothing onto my back. This building is old, but it'll get renovated soon with hi-tech equipment for 'productive learning' as the faculty like to call it.

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