She Kicked It Real Good Jackson

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Why the FUCK didn't I kiss her?

Why did Haley and Danielle have to come back at that moment. Talk about perfect timing. I'm so annoyed at myself for not doing it. Even when I was leaving, I debated the entire time whether to plant my lips on hers or not. She looked so perfect standing there in front of me.

I hear the crickets in the grass. Walking home alone in the dark I can't stop thinking about that moment. She didn't pull away from me. That's a good sign right?

I groan out into the darkness at how stupid I was to give away an opportunity like that. I was so close. So close. I should've just kissed her. I run my hands down my face pulling at my skin.

"Ughhhhh Nick you idiot!" I moan to myself. My phone keeps buzzing from people asking me where I am. Mainly Maya. I dodged all of her calls and now she's taking the hint. Instead of stopping, the texts stream in.

Maya: Nick? Babe, where are you? You said you were coming?
Maya: TJ told me you left? Where are you?
Maya: NICK! Answer me!
Maya: Where the hell are you? Just tell me and I can meet you?
Maya: I swear to god Nick if you don't answer me I will go to the house!
Maya: Your an asshole!
TJ: Yo! Where did you go? Maya is here at the house about to smash the window of your car dude!
TJ: okay now she's threatening to smash my window! Nick where the hell are you and take this crazy bitch away from me!
Me: I'll be there shortly, try get rid of her!
TJ: Dude! Were you with a girl? She's throwing a real bitch fit right now. Like she's putting white chicks to shame!!

I chuckle at the last message as I make way up the driveway of the house. Maya and TJ were standing outside. I could hear her yelling at him. Even from down the street. Typical Maya, everything has to be dramatic with her. She's always been such a drama queen.

"I know he's in there TJ! I'm not stupid!" She yelled right up in his face and he smirked back at her with his hands out trying to calm her down.

"I don't know about that Maya, the jury's still out in that one" she starts to hit him when he jokes about her intelligence and I run over to grab her back away from him. Gripping her wrists to stop her hitting him further, she can throw a punch alright. Her head whips around her shoulder to look up at me. Her mood changing for a second then back to anger.

"Where the fuck were you!" She wiggles out of my grasp and I let her. Truth be told, ever since Carter reached across to hold my hand earlier it's all I've wanted to feel. Maya waits for my answer as I scan her in the tightest green dress I've ever seen. Why does she dress like that all of the time? It's like she craves my attention.

"I needed some air" I shrug looking over at TJ who is now leaning back against our front door. His arms are folded with a smirk on his face. He's enjoying it too. I know he is. He quirks an eyebrow at me signalling me to carry on.

"So you left? For hours! Where the hell did you even go?" She closes the gap between us but I step back to put more distance between us again. Her perfume is over powering.

"That doesn't matter. I just wanted some alone time? Can I not have some time to myself without you hounding me? Jesus Maya! Chill will you? I wasn't down for the party alright? I can have some off nights you know?" I snap back at her. The fact that she raised her voice at me set my insides on fire. I'm not alright with her screaming at me. Especially at this time of night or morning. Her eyes shift back to TJ who I look over to too. He's now imitating he's eating popcorn relishing in this fight. Like always. He's eats it up when there's drama, but when it's about him he runs for the hills.

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